Your Reality Is Not Mine

Your reality is not mine

We are willing to share this reflection with you, simply risking that you, on the other side of a screen, do not think the same, but it is all part of this dead end game …

You will understand later.

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are …

Stop for a moment and think about this concept.

You, with your strengths and weaknesses, your experiences and your hopes on your shoulders, anywhere in the world, wherever you are, look at life and what happens in a way that suits your particularities and preferences.

With my strengths and weaknesses, my experiences and my hopes on my shoulders, in any part of the world, wherever I am, I look at life and what happens in a way that suits my particularities and preferences.

And in our dialogue we try to exchange our worlds, sometimes thinking that they are the same. For this reason, every now and then, it is difficult for us to reach an agreement or understand each other.

understand each other

We may both have witnessed the same event or been involved in the same situation, but each of us lives it in our own way, based on our experiences, preferences, beliefs, etc. That is , according to the way of being of each of us.

That is why all the opinions of others are as valid as ours, that is why there is a relativism of what we live, a subjectivity of our worlds and a construction of our own reality.

You with your knowledge, I with my wealth of experience, even being in the same place and observing what appears to be the same, we shape different realities.

Let’s see an example:

We were invited to a party and decided to go. However, just before you leave, a friend calls you to confirm that you will start working in his company, which is final, while I have spoken to my partner and we have decided to break up. My body asks me to stay home, yet I take courage and think that taking refuge inside myself will only make me feel worse. So I decide to go to the party anyway.

We meet there. You who spurt joy from all pores, I who drown in sadness, trying to hide it.

Despite this, we eat, talk, dance … and at a certain point a song resounds that reminds me of him, I can’t help it and the party atmosphere suddenly becomes confused, nostalgic and melancholy in my eyes. While you continue to dance, full of enthusiasm, as if there is no tomorrow, I finally decide to go home. You, on the other hand, want to stay a little longer.

When we think back to the party the night before, I remember that song that made me sad, his favorite dishes and the constant need to hide my sadness to prevent anyone from noticing. You remember the wild dancing and the fact that you were more outgoing and fun than usual.


It almost seems like we went to different parties, don’t you think? The fact is that it was the same party, only you lived it at its best and I at its worst, focusing our attention on different aspects.

Do you need more evidence?

Often when we talk about abstract feelings or concepts like love, friendship, trust or freedom, we think we are talking about the same concept, but there are actually differences.

We propose that you ask your loved ones what these concepts mean to them and you will see that the answer will surprise you. Certainly, they have different nuances from your idea of ​​the same concepts.

However, when we start a conversation, it is important to ask the other what what is being discussed means to him or her. In this way, you will know his point of view, his world, his reality.


The meeting between two people is the confluence of two worlds, of two realities that often speak to show themselves and get to know each other.

For this reason, we need to ask questions of others and not try to demand or impose our point of view. Always remember that what others have experienced has nothing to do with your experiences.

Remember: we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.

Dare to discover other worlds, other realities!

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