Why Do We Lose Willpower When We Need It Most?

Why do we lose willpower when we need it most?

It is not unusual to start a project, to embark on an activity, with all the enthusiasm possible and then, after a short time, to lose all the desire and willpower with which we started. Sometimes it happens to postpone everything to an indefinite moment or even give up due to lack of time.

Experts reveal that there are various “symptoms” or factors that can suggest a lack of willpower, just when we need it most.

5 signs to explain the lack of willpower

These five aspects, analyzed in detail, can be a track to understand what is happening and why we find it so hard to carry out a project or, better, complete it successfully as we had set out from the beginning. Take note and pay attention to what happens to you every day, perhaps it will help you find a solution to your problem.

1. Excess of self-control : perhaps it seems a contradiction because the lack of willpower has nothing to do with control. However, experts believe it is a “balancing game”. The will is not a capacity that never tires, on the contrary, it is something that we must know how to “dose” using the intelligence that distinguishes us. A recent study on self-indulgence has shown that, as human beings, we are vulnerable to certain temptations just as we try to be more in control. An easy example to understand is that of someone who follows a strict diet and when he “slips” or does not think for a minute about the diet, he gives in to temptation and eats what he shouldn’t. People are most unhappy when it gets dark and it is no coincidence. This is because the reserves of self-control that dominate us during the day diminish as the evening arrives. Consequently, excess willpower can turn into our worst enemy when it comes to achieving our goals. The solution? Strive to do the most important activities and duties and leave others aside.

2. Over-moderation : Most of us underestimate or overestimate the willpower we possess. For this reason, it is common to drop out of school, stop going to the gym, take a course, etc. Usually in the first months of the year the gyms register a full house and then, after a few weeks, they begin to empty. With the arrival of the new year, many of us make a promise, that of doing everything we have not done in the year just ended, but this will gradually disappears. This is because we believe or think that we are in control, that we are strong and persevering and that this time, yes, we will be able to arrive in December with the same enthusiasm as in January. We advise you not to expose yourself to situations that can become a temptation to stop or that they will fall into the net of laziness, lack of will, excuses for not continuing, etc. If you don’t like going to the gym, try another exercise activity, don’t “force” yourself to do what you don’t like because it’s easier for you to give up.

3. Deeply rooted negative beliefs : they can be present in our minds from a young age. For example, if the family has never believed in us or expected too much from us, if we are convinced that success is for those who have the money or if we do not have our own business because we do not have the financial possibilities, et c. If the idea or goal is to get a better job or start an ambitious business, an opposite belief may slow you down because you may feel that you don’t deserve it enough, that you aren’t good enough or smart enough to achieve your goal. In order to deal with all this, you must first understand what ideas are buzzing in your head, work with them, modify them and add other positive ideas and motivation for success. A good alternative is to write sentences in visible places to motivate and self-overcome.

4. Do not focus on the social context : we are not self-sufficient “islands”, we need to interact with others, this is little, but sure. Even if you know it, you underestimate this idea and you are convinced that you can do anything, without the help of anyone, because alone, in your own way, you do it better. You set goals for yourselves as if their achievement depended solely and exclusively on you and you forget that you live in a social context, even if you do not share a house or apartment with someone. The world is full of people and also of temptations, one of these is, without a shadow of a doubt, the fact of believing that we are “omnipotent”. When planning a goal, make sure that others (family, friends, partners, colleagues) help you, participate, get involved and allow you to face the obstacles that you will surely encounter.

5. Tiredness : the lack of sleep makes us more likely to waver, to abandon our dreams and our projects. The famous “stress”, which millions of people suffer from all over the world, makes motivation disappear. The latter is the one that has the task of “infusing” us with extra energy every day to be able to stay awake when we need it. However, anxiety, nervousness and worries do not allow us to get enough rest. Prolonged fatigue, sooner or later, will make itself felt, with the onset of a disease or lack of willpower. If you are thinking of embarking on an ambitious project and want to complete it, try to sleep long enough to always recharge your energy reserve.

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