We Can All Be Geniuses At What We Like

We can all be geniuses at what we like

Perhaps at some point in your life you have gone through moments where you felt lost, because you didn’t know exactly what to do or because you didn’t feel competent enough to get it.

In part, social pressure, family pressure, and even your own needs may be responsible for the anguished search for yourself. However, there is certainly something you are passionate about and you may be the best at it, without knowing it. 

We are all geniuses

Geniuses like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking felt out of place when they went to school: their lack of interest led them to feel like failures and misunderstood. Later, each of them discovered that they had something to contribute to the rest of humanity, from the light bulb to the theory of relativity.

Maybe we can’t think as big as they do, but there is certainly something we are passionate about. The question is to look for that something, give it your all and find it, even if it may take a little longer than “normal”.  

If you sometimes feel out of place at work, in college, or in class, don’t feel like you’re not good enough. Maybe these things are simply not for you: do not lose hope and keep looking for what makes you feel satisfied. What makes you feel like geniuses.

Look for something that makes us feel fulfilled

Being good at something doesn’t mean you stop trying. In fact, assuming we are the best can block our progress. There is no better food for motivation than the feeling of not being good, but being aware, at the same time, that you can improve.

The reward for dedication and effort is far greater. Furthermore, its effects are much longer lasting  than those of the reward for what is difficult for us to obtain. Perhaps it is the process: the goal is not so much enjoyed as the journey.

When we play the guitar, for example, we enjoy the results, because we feel rewarded for the years of effort, corns and headaches of having to balance more than two notes at the same time. For this reason, once you find your passion, the best thing is to make it explode and give it the best of you: with creativity, you can surely make it your reality.

The most important thing: to enjoy yourself

As Confucius said, “Find a job you like and you won’t have to work for a single day of your life.” If we are aware of this, we will realize that work is not a bad thing, especially if we bring out the genius that resides in each of us. Enjoying the opportunities created is one of the secrets to achieving success, you  just need to be happy with the result.

devote yourself to your passion

Perceiving our work in a negative way has to do with the lack of any of these factors. It is not a reason to punish ourselves and, still less, to despise our great worth. We need to change the perspective and enjoy what we are passionate about, because that is what will make us happy.

For this reason, if you feel that you have not yet discovered what your vocation is, do not be afraid: change what makes you feel bad and take a step towards what you need. You will find happiness if you are looking for it and you will find that, just by trying it, you will turn into geniuses.

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