Unplug From Work: Tips

Unplug from work: tips

Unplugging from work is no easy task. We are used to our daily routine, which requires effort and dedication from us during a certain number of hours. We force ourselves to do everything right, to stay alert and to have our phone and computer always at hand, whenever we can.

Sometimes, then, we don’t even care if the weekend has come or if we’re on vacation.  We know well that we should leave the stress to which we undergo every day in the office, but unfortunately we carry it with us, as if it were a backpack.

This situation can cause us several problems in the long run. We are human beings, not machines and we need to rest our body and mind.  If not, we can suffer from various problems of a psychological and emotional nature.

What happens when we don’t unplug from work?

Social consequences

Not knowing how to switch off from work damages not only ourselves, but also our loved ones. It is not pleasant to be with someone who does nothing but look at their cell phone. Our behavior makes others feel excluded and undervalued,  which can cause problems for couples, families and friends.

Also, it is bad manners to behave this way when in company, as it is very rude and inelegant. Doing the same at home can offend our partner, who needs our attention.   

man at pc pays no attention to wife and child

Psychological and emotional consequences

Living in a constant state of exhaustion is particularly damaging to mental health. It can cause us problems such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression. These, in turn, spill over to the people closest to us, once again increasing the possibility that work interferes with our social relationships.

It can also lead to experiencing obsessive disorders that cause more serious pathologies and which, therefore, will require the intervention of a specialist in the field.

Physical consequences

When we fail to unplug from work, the body suffers. We don’t rest properly and are more prone to chronic neck and back pain. Being in constant tension, therefore, is not only harmful to our mind.

It is common to suffer from sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or nightmares.  They are both annoying and require patience to resolve.

5 strategies to unplug from work

If you have realized that you are unable to switch off from work and want to remedy this situation, now is the right time. The only way for these tips to work is for the person receiving them to be willing to apply them.

The first thing we need to take into account is that unplugging from work does not turn us into irresponsible people. In fact, it allows us to be even more productive and to perform better when we do our work, which will thus be more positive. Once the allotted time for work has expired, everyone is free to dedicate themselves to the activities they love most.

tired girl with post it and clock

Gather with your loved ones

It does not matter where. Whether it’s at someone’s home, in a bar or restaurant, try to keep the relationship with the people you love strong and intact. Take an interest in their lives, talk to them about topics that come to your mind (and that don’t have anything to do with your job) and have fun.

You can also take advantage of this to build good relationships with your colleagues outside of working hours. It is possible that they feel like you and need a drink and talk about more fun topics.

Sign up for some enjoyable activity

We all remember well the activities that we did not complete for various reasons. Lack of time and stress are common causes. Forget about everything and start an activity that you have been wanting to practice for a long time.    

Find a few hours a week to dedicate to yourself. It will be good for your mind, positively affect your self-esteem and allow you to meet new people with the same tastes as you.

Plan one or more trips per year

Plan one or two trips a year to visit places you’ve never seen.  Establish itineraries, consult maps and books, watch videos and documentaries and decide if you need to relax or are looking for adventures.

Either way, these activities will keep you happy enough for your mind to focus on something not about work. Traveling is always a wonderful way to change perspective and switch off from work and beyond.   

girl enjoys the landscape

Put aside social networks

Try to use your mobile phone as little as possible and, consequently, social networks. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram only cause addiction problems.  Spend less time on them and carve out some for yourself and the people around you.

Read a good book or watch a good movie

Reading and cinema are useful ways to entertain yourself which also allow you to escape from everyday reality. During the time you spend on these activities, your mind will forget about everything else. Some books and films help us grow as people and expand our culture, which brings us numerous benefits.

Choose the ones you like best and make yourself comfortable. It’s time to relax and just think about yourself!         

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