To Whom Weeps Hidden Tears

To those who cry hidden tears

To those who suffer in silence. To those who endure a pain that they do not deserve. To those who have made the decision not to speak so as not to hurt the people around them. To those who struggle every day to keep going. To those who seek to improve themselves and live with fear that they will discover their tears. To those who cry hidden tears.

You do not deserve to suffer a moment more, nor to censor your pain or trample your dignity. You deserve to shout and be heard, to stop suffering. Don’t let them destroy you, destroy everything you have built, everything you are, everything you are worth. You don’t deserve the pain you’re feeling, you don’t deserve one more tear, you don’t deserve a new hiding place.

Dry your tears and start drawing. Allow yourself to be free and decide what you want. Don’t let others speak for you. Don’t let someone stifle what they want out of the depths of your soul. The hour of hiding and scarring is over, the first step is to change. Tears are no longer a solution, tears do not calm now, they no longer flow from your eyes, it is time to act.

I say this because I know it’s possible, I know that’s what you want. All you need is a push, an encouragement to ask for help, to communicate to the world how you feel and where you are. To you who cry; to you, who take refuge in solitude hoping that the days will pass until the end … no, there is still strength, hope, do not give up.

Eye with tear

A small step towards a big change

Do not allow loneliness to make you believe it is true because you are not alone. The first step is the hardest, but it is with it that the big changes begin. You don’t need breastplates any more, nor hands for other shields; don’t feel wrong, you are not who they tell you to be. It is worth stopping for a moment and being yourself defining who you are.

You have been repressing your pain for too long, for too long you have allowed others to take over your person. You cry and continue to feed the river of pain, but those tears no longer deserve to belong to you, you do not deserve to feed something that makes you suffer so much. It is time to turn your steps towards another path, another direction.

You owe it to yourself, so that you can see that someone listens to your complaints, that there is someone who knows that you are crying, who loves you and does not abandon you. Go out and show your pain. Give yourself the opportunity you deserve to be happy. To those who cry hidden tears: gather the few strengths that remain in order not to give up, to bring out what you have inside, to speak.

Woman walks barefoot on the street

To those who cry hidden tears: do not give up, do not give in

Those who cry hidden tears await a better path than the one they are traveling on, never stop dreaming of a new day. The pain will end and you will stop crying. After the storm, the sun always comes back. The clouds are just passing through. For this … never stop dreaming, fighting, talking, don’t hide. Don’t let others speak for you, you deserve to be happy.

I hope you understand that you owe it all to yourself, that there are solutions and people who can help you. Fully experience the steps forward and those few back. Those days when it seems like everything is perfect and those days when it doesn’t seem like a right one. Those that seem to last 48 hours and those that seem to last only an hour. Cry for yourself; suffer for yourself. Listen to us, listen to yourself. You deserve to decide for yourself, and you deserve something better. Never stop imagining that all of this will end, because it is.

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