The Past Has No Power Over The Present

The past has no power over the present

In reality, the past does not exist: it lives only in our mind, in our memory. If we consciously evoke it, it affects our emotions, for better or for worse. The influence the past has on us depends on the value, meaning and importance we place on it.

How often do we tend to blame the past for what we feel now? This trend denotes a lack of responsibility that backfires, preventing us from taking control over our present and forcing us to remain anchored to a reality that no longer exists, which unfortunately we can no longer modify.

Change your point of view: accept the past

Each of us is free to choose between living the rest of his life like a wretch or enjoying the time he has left and living life. It is nothing more than a personal choice to be made in the present: it has nothing to do with our past life.

Have you ever noticed that each of us has a very personal vision of reality? There are people who, despite having had to face terrible facts, have decided to enjoy life and the present. Yet, all things being equal, others choose to remain in their victimhood all their lives, isolating themselves, getting angry at their fate, unable to focus on anything other than their past.


The difference between these two types of people, of course, is the perspective from which they look at what happened.  The former accepted that past without allowing it to influence their present; the others have not accepted the facts that have taken place and continue to bask in them, ending up by letting everything that is life escape.

If you are reading this, you are alive

If you feel identified in the people who blame their malaise on their past, whether it is because of the education received, for a traumatic accident, for the mistreatment, abuse or violence suffered, always remember that you are now out of the tunnel. , that you are now alive.

It is true that luck did not always smile at you and that it would have been better if things had gone differently, but now it has happened and you cannot do anything about it. Every complaint, cry or anger is unproductive, so don’t waste your time!

Reason that this is the time you are alive, to go out on the street, meet people, dance, have interesting conversations, take care of an animal, write a book … and all the other wonderful things that life has in store. for you.


Blaming is useless

We constantly worry about finding someone to blame for what happened to us in the past. We blame ourselves, other people, our parents, the cultureā€¦ But think about it: why do we do this?

Don’t you think that when things have no solution or we don’t have control over them, it’s better to let it go? The constant need to look for culprits leads us to lose opportunities by mulling over the past, depriving us of time or the desire to take the reins of the present.

Just blame anyone, it’s useless and it’s not functional. What really matters is to change the mechanism, to be grateful for getting out of it, for being alive and for becoming stronger people. From now on, choose to enjoy the present as it should be and not waste an extra minute on your past. Do you have the courage to try?

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