The Meaning Of “I Love You” At Each Stage Of The Relationship

The meaning of "I love you" at each stage of the relationship

Often it was the starting point of great love stories, other times it was the cause of the breakup: an “I love you”. When in a relationship, depending on the stage at which they are pronounced, these beautiful words  can take on different meanings .

It is probably not the same as saying “I love you”  right away rather than saying it after a year of relationship.

Why does “I love you” have so many different meanings?

Two people in a relationship grow together and side by side. Within their personal growth, both discover new situations that have an impact on their life and, therefore, on the couple. Consequently, the meaning of “I love you” changes according to how the relationship changes, but also the two members of the couple separately.

However, there is something that never changes when we say these two words : we care about the person they are meant for. It doesn’t matter what this expression is accompanied by: tears, laughter, hugs… Its importance and its magic must always have a place of relevance within a relationship.

What does it mean at each stage of the relationship?

– Two months: I like how things are going. In a long-term, stable relationship, two months is not a long time and it goes by quickly. It is true that the beginning is the phase in which we are most in love, because we have discovered a very special person with whom we are willing to undertake such an engaging project. Saying “I love you” after two months means feeling that that relationship will last forever . However, if you are realistic, you know that nothing lasts forever, especially a relationship that started just 2 months ago.

It must be emphasized that, in this first phase, many of us confuse the way we care about the other person and say “I love you” instead of an intense “I like you”, due to personal or youthful immaturity or a lack of experience in the field of romantic relationships.

We invite you to reflect before using these two very important words and looking into them. Thus you will avoid emotional misunderstandings and you will not hurt your partner, who is starting to fall in love or not .

Five months: you are important. According to studies, this is the last stage of the “first falling in love” phase. ” I love you ” right now can mean “you are important in my life” or “I would like to find a place for your heart in mine”.

However, there are still some doubts and uncertainties or fears, such as: “Will it break my heart?” or “does it feel the same as I do?”. A relationship of less than 6 months usually doesn’t mean something for sure . That’s why an “I love you”, in this phase, still makes us feel many butterflies in the stomach, but not necessarily in the heart.

– Six months: we are perfect when we are together. At this moment, neither of us can stop thinking about the other . Adore everything that the other does and that concerns you or that expresses his love for you: photos, letters, dedications …

An “I love you” now means a lot more than it meant three months ago . Now these words imply the true message of: I love how that person makes me feel and how good I feel about being a part of his life, and he (or she) of mine .

Seven months: it’s ours. There is such a wonderful thing with which I completely agree: “loving someone is like moving to a new city”. You will begin to understand that the relationship makes sense, because the more time passes, the more the feeling they have for each other grows. When we say “I love you” at this stage, we actually mean what’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine .

From now on, the “I love you” is something shared, like all other things that happen within the relationship.

– Ten months: you are my best friend. Now it feels natural to be with your partner. Being apart starts to ” hurt a little ” and feels weird. Right now, “I love you” has a much more serious meaning . Whether you say it as a joke or with a message, these two words always have the same great importance.

Probably, if asked at this stage, you would not only say that your partner is an amazing person , but also that he is your best friend .

This “I love you” goes far beyond what your partner wants to offer you and what you want to offer them. It is now that the word ” love ” begins to become part of your internal language and your heart.

– One year: you are my world. For sure, if what you are experiencing in your relationship is unconditional and pure love , if you were asked now how you feel, you would certainly answer that you can not imagine your life without your partner . Right now, an ” I love you ” is much safer, as you don’t wonder who loves the most between the two and you don’t care if the other feels what you do.

You feel safe and comfortable. Telling the person you love “I love you” makes you feel relaxed, opens you up and makes you feel complete with him / her .

– Two years: I think about the future. An “I love you” at this stage means “I love what you are and I will love what you will be and you will have to be as a person” . Obviously, this meaning arises after establishing a feeling of trust or, in other words: if you are together, nothing is impossible, nor does it scare you .

– Three years, when the couple live together: marry me. “I love you” now means that you want to transform the love you feel for the other person into something permanent. You want to share everything with the person you love. A life full of love, trust, wisdom and, most of all, the ability to learn from each other .

At this moment, “I love you” is perhaps not enough . Of course, with these words, by now you mean ” you are all I want “, because that is exactly what your heart and soul mean.

Four years, wedding or official engagement: daydreaming. One of the most incredible experiences that can happen to a human being is to love and be loved . Love is all. Feeling the true love of another person towards one’s heart and corresponding it unconditionally, we believe and say, has no name or price .

At this point, there is not much else you want and do not have, by now you have reached emotional ” nirvana. Many will tell you how lucky you are and many others will feel pure envy for this very reason. And it is true. Many come into the world, live a long time and still don’t know what it means to have these feelings with another person.

The information presented in this article reflects what usually happens in a developing relationship, but it’s important to be aware that each couple needs their own time. Many, for example, get stuck in some of the stages listed and need more time or emotional means to make the relationship work.

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