Staying Single: The Secret Of Longevity According To Emma Morano

Remaining single: the secret of longevity according to Emma Morano

We usually understand being single as a sentimental failure and, consequently, a disaster for our lives. In fact, even if it may seem excessive, it is like this: our society “punishes” people who remain unmarried. A proof of this can be found in the fact that there are no commercially available products dedicated to people who decide to set out on the path of solitude.

Every day we come across hundreds of dream travel offers and gourmet dinners for two, ideal gifts for the couple, etc. It is almost impossible to find any product that enhances the maiden life.

In truth, being alone is, many times, a decision. It is deciding that, as absurd as it may seem to many people, NOT for everyone the ultimate goal is to find a partner. In fact, being single leads to an equally healthy and desirable feeling of fullness and freedom.


Living without waiting, living single

We do not have the obligation to wait for the arrival of a partner and, according to Emma Morano, having this very clear is the secret of its longevity. Emma Morano, from Piedmont, is the longest-lived Italian person, the only one to have reached 116 years of age.

When the New York Times asked her what her secret was, her answer left everyone speechless: the secret to my longevity was staying single. After the breakup of an unhappy marriage in 1938, Emma Morano decided that she didn’t want to be controlled by anyone and that, in fact, she already had everything she needed in herself.

However, as gerontologists observe, there is no recipe that can guarantee longevity. Speaking with 100 seniors over 100, you will find yourself listening to 100 different stories. Consequently, the fact of living for more or less years depends to a large extent on genetics.


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Happiness and emotional well-being must come from ourselves and the decisions we make about our love life. When you decide to be single, you also decide to be brave and tolerant, as you will end up colliding with contrary opinions and beliefs along the way.

As we have already commented, society punishes being single and limits certain possibilities. For example, it is much more difficult for a bank to grant credit if you are not married. Examples like this abound and turn into a sword of Damocles that sends us a very clear message: “being single is not good” .

girl at the window

These “thin” swords of Damocles can hurt us and make us want to have a partner, even if it is not what we really want, leading us to live a life we ​​do not want. In some way, the social culture tries to “push the unmarried” to find a partner, thus achieving personal fulfillment.

In reality, however, loneliness should always be a choice, which allows us to explore a new and different world from the one we take for granted. The ideal would be for everyone to be free to openly express who we are and what binds us to life, acting without being conditioned by the social pressure that says that being single is wrong. There are people who, like Emma, ​​decide to be happy in their solitude without looking for or waiting for someone who deprives them of this happiness. Deciding to remain single is not synonymous with illness, but with freedom and autonomy towards an emotional life that fully reflects our desires.

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