Some Tricks For When Motivation Is Scarce

Some tricks for when motivation is scarce

Are you one of those people who quit when they think all hope is lost? Norman Vincent Peale said that “it is always early to give up”. Sometimes, when everything seems to be falling apart, in reality there is still a shred of hope. Even when the motivation fails, opportunities remain to be exploited, but perhaps we don’t see them.

If we dwell on the history of great characters, we realize that not all of them were natural talents who savored the pleasure of success right away. Steve Jobs had to accept failures and rejections, Abraham Lincoln lost several elections before becoming president, Henry Ford seemed only a dreamer when he imagined his vehicles circulating on the street, Vera Rubin could not study at Harvard because she was a woman, but ended up being one of the most renowned astronomers on the planet …

We could name dozens of examples of human beings who have never given up. Even when motivation was running low, they found the strength within themselves to move forward. We would like to offer you some tricks that we believe can be useful in your personal and professional world.

Tricks for personal motivation

There are certainly many people in your immediate environment who are interested in motivating you. Your loved ones want to see you happy and act accordingly. Your superiors try to get the most out of you so that you are the most efficient in the company.

Hence the document “10 keys to self-motivation”, written by the coach and philosopher Pablo Maella, which is particularly interesting. What happens when all seems lost? Can we find the strength to carry on?

Maella offers some strategies that we must always keep in mind. If we do not lose sight of an objective and positive perspective, we will find the path to resume the correct direction. For this reason, it is important to know that …

Reality must be accepted

Being realistic is key to your motivation. If we expect too much of others, we will likely end up being disappointed. However, with realism and objectivity, by adapting to the circumstances required by the situation, we will largely avoid demotivation.

We have to complain a little less

Sometimes we find ourselves angry with the world. We complain about everything and everything. We feel wretched and unfortunate. Eventually, we get carried away by these negative feelings and forget our courage, our skills and our proactivity.

Logically, this is a manifest error. So nothing is solved. In fact, it gets worse. Instead of being carried away by discouragement, how about drawing up a realistic action plan and getting to work without haste, but without interruptions?

We must never forget the positive attitude

It is normal to fall into despair at times. However difficult it is, one must never lose the positive attitude. Nature itself is a great teacher in this sense: after each storm, calm comes. Therefore, it is better not to put aside a good mood. Even though it is difficult and sometimes we are really fed up, the way we react to adverse circumstances will greatly affect the final result.

Don’t confuse positivism with naivety

After having explained the previous point, it should be made clear that  a positive attitude must not be confused with naivety. Always be realistic and not lose an objective perspective. For this purpose, it is necessary that the goals and ends are achievable. Otherwise, good humor and willpower will eventually disappear.

Making sense of what you do

Do you believe that what you set in motion is useless? Thinking about it this way, you won’t even be able to get out of bed. However, if every step you take has a purpose, you will surely find the meaning of your plans. Every task undertaken, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has consequences, don’t forget that.

We must never forget proactivity

If we fall into indolence, we become mere spectators of our life. For this reason,  we need to be proactive.  We have to take the reins of our life and be the protagonists of each of our personal films. Don’t let others decide for you.

Perseverance is essential

To be motivated, enthusiastic, proactive, positive, etc., it is essential to be very persevering. We must not give up in the face of the first adversity. For this reason, we need to look for tools that help to continue. And if one doesn’t work, look for another. Therefore, if you notice that your strengths are failing, identify within yourself your ability to strive, to be responsible, constant, etc. Do not allow anyone to stop you and persevere in your goals.

Sometimes everything seems to be falling apart. Our way becomes a house of cards blown down by the wind. However, even if motivation is scarce, we have many tools at our fingertips to avoid failure. Using them is a sign of intelligence, constancy and perseverance, have no doubts.

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