Simon’s Syndrome: Single And Immature

Simon's syndrome: single and immature

It could be considered a variant of the known “Peter Pan Syndrome”. It develops when a man between 28 and 38 just wants to have fun and doesn’t think about starting a family or getting his head right.

The myth of Narcissus is perfectly fulfilled in this character we will call Simon. Each letter of his name reflects a characteristic of his personality: S for single, I for immature, M for materialistic, O for work-obsessed, and N for narcissist.

Psychologists say that in addition to being single, these men are romantically immature. They just consider the fact that they are young and they spend all their money on clothes, parties and holidays. 

Simon’s syndrome obviously includes the lack of need on the part of these men to look for a partner with whom to form a couple, because all their attention is focused on work and professional success, on the care of their body (gym, diets, etc.) , about traveling everywhere and having fun with women, never bonding with one of them in a relationship.

These individuals do not mind completely sacrificing themselves to climb their job position and are used to having an infinite ego. They can live alone or with their parents, but never with a partner. They use all their money for their personal interests and spend all they have, without saving or thinking about the economic future, if it is not about getting a better job.

The 4 characteristics of a Simon

Celibacy : or we could say the lack of a steady partner (it is not necessary to be married). For many, being single is something that is revalued over time, as happens with wine that is allowed to age.

They have a misconception of freedom, as they believe that having a partner means living locked up in a cage. Losing their single status for love is not what they prefer.

Immaturity:  In every sense, but above all from a sentimental point of view. That is to say that they are not capable of loving and being loved and they do not even give themselves the opportunity to find out what it means to be in love, to give oneself completely to another person and to make plans together (that have nothing to do with work). . They can only love themselves and idolize themselves as if they were the most beautiful in the world. People with many professional skills, but with very few sentimental skills.

That said, we could add that they have a tremendous fear of compromising with someone. Society today is creating many of these Simons, men who focus only on work, friends, studies and fun.

The obsession with success : The number one priority of those suffering from Simon’s syndrome is to achieve the desired economic situation. Because? To be able to spend their money on what they like and so that they can live to the fullest, as if tomorrow did not exist.

The fact that they have a certain economic availability makes them think that they are invincible, that nothing bad can happen, that life is made to be enjoyed 100% and that there are no whims that they cannot indulge in, from buying a dress that costs. 1000 euros to go on vacation for a month with friends in the Caribbean. They also spend a lot of money on luxurious cars and latest generation mobile phones.

Narcissism: This  is also an obsession, related to beauty and the body. They spend hours training in the gym, they go for a run every day, matching their sports clothes, they pay close attention to the foods they consume and they constantly live on protein diets, to always have beautiful muscles. They use face and hand creams, go to the beautician all the time, use expensive perfumes and sometimes even undergo surgery, such as botox or liposuction, for example.

And what happens with women? Can they also be Simon’s? Of course yes, but in this case they will be called Laura, or L of freedom, A of autonomy, U of university students, R and A of love rationalizers. Do you know anyone with these characteristics?

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