Secrets To Success On Our Journey

Secrets to success on our path

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become words, your words become your behaviors, your behaviors become your habits, your habits become your values ​​and your values ​​become your destiny .”

This famous phrase attributed to the sage Mahatma Gandhi contains precisely the gist of what we want to convey to you . If you are looking for positive change in your life, you need to question the entire system of values ​​that determine your way of life. In this way you will know which decisions are good to make, to start you in the right direction.

Making a decision is never easy, and it is clear that our condition as human beings makes us prone to make mistakes. The “right direction” we are talking about is precisely the one that is in consonance with the goals and dreams you pursue : a destiny that will allow you to enjoy every experience to the fullest, through learning.

Shape your ideas

Visualize yourself fulfilling the goals you have set in your life. This will help you develop perseverance and even self-confidence . The exercise of projecting yourself into the situations you want will help keep that goal you want to achieve in focus.

For example, if your passion is writing, try to bring your imagination to words. Open that door! Learn to express yourself to gain greater awareness of your emotions. Shaping ideas in writing is an excellent way to get to know some aspects of yourself that are necessary to achieve positive changes that will lead you to success.

Think big

Despite our doubts or fears, there are also positive statements in our minds about who we are and where we want to go. How about repeating these statements aloud a little more often? If you focus your attention on them every day in a conscious way, the result will be effective, because you will connect with your inner power. Try it! Success is closer than you think.

Give thanks

For your family, your friends, your job or simply because you are alive. Giving thanks is a gesture that will propel you towards personal fulfillment. If you focus only on your shortcomings, you will set aside any opportunity to attract positivity into your life.

The brain needs to feed itself deeply to achieve the goals we set for ourselves. If we focus only on what we lack, which we do not have, we will bring our mind to a condition rooted in constant fear. Be grateful!

Project your peace

Being in harmony with yourself will reflect on the outside. Take at least five minutes to meditate every day. Practice silence, breathe deeply several times and exhale until you feel the whole body relax. Many people who carry out this activity every day feel that they are able to withdraw from the world to reconcile the peace they so much need.

To conclude, let us take up again Gandhi’s enlightening words: “ Our reward lies in the effort and not in the result. A total effort is a complete victory “. Remember that any practice that involves an evolution of consciousness will be food for the soul.

Image courtesy of Aldo Tapia

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