No Calm Sea Makes A Sailor An Expert

No calm sea makes a sailor an expert

If you have ever stopped to admire the sea, you have certainly thought that it is one of those places that belong to everyone and no one. The sea is that echo of life that at times lets itself be caressed and at other times escapes away.

When he is calm, any sailor feels he can let himself be carried away and, then, he relaxes and contemplates his beauty. From this position there is no danger, you can enjoy only a placid tranquility.

However, other times the waves break with force on the rocks and the storm pours its anger on the sea. The surviving sailor is the one who leaves comfort aside and decides to face those terrible moments that threaten his home,  as those who decide to jump into the rough waters must be prepared to face their anger.

In life on dry land something similar happens, given that the experiences and teachings they leave come above all to those who are able to leave their comfort zone: leaving aside the comforts and facing the unknown is undoubtedly an incentive to life.  

blonde girl among the leaves

In fact, we usually do not believe ourselves responsible for what happens to us, because we prefer to entrust it to the hands of luck or destiny. When we get used to the routine, we feel that nothing can change and, instead, we are wrong.

We are wrong because, by staying in our comfort zone, we miss the opportunity to continue maturing and learning. We need to experience a shipwreck to learn to mature: to see how strong the wind is, to look reality in the face, to go further to touch with the soul what we had never touched or imagined.

The feeling of security

The feeling of security we get when we reach a balance can be a great emotional enemy,  especially since it is what makes us fear losing it.

It is evident that everything that directly or indirectly breaks our patterns frightens us. Nonetheless, don’t forget that fears are meant to be dominated and not to dominate.

boat carried by butterflies

Knowing safety means having taken an important step, but daring to verify the laws of a stormy sea is a sign of courage: only those who venture into search without limits can achieve dexterity in all possible situations in their life.

Not taking risks won’t make you lose, but neither will you win

As we said, not taking risks in making decisions that allow us to discover new things can lead us to passivity and not to act, simply because in this way we avoid failure; however, the chances of triumph are also eliminated.

Humans tend to exercise control and maintain daily balance, thinking that this is where the emotional well-being that makes you happy lies. In this way, we forget that psychological growth also requires a risk:  how can you get the job you want so much if you don’t try? Thinking you won’t get it and staying put will allow you to control the situation, while avoiding satisfaction.

girl among cherry blossoms

We often believe that it is better to keep what you already have without ever trying anything new, without understanding that, unconsciously, this encourages us to remain static and not to fight for what we want.

And the sailor knows that even a calm sea can lead to his death, but that facing it is the only way to fully enjoy his life  and to keep what remains after these experiences.

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