Making A Bad Day Better: 5 Tricks

Making a bad day better: 5 tricks

Who has never had a bad day? One of those where you wake up and it seems like everything is conspiring to get us mad. The soap is gone, the breakfast burns. As soon as you leave the door it unexpectedly begins to rain. People look at us as if we have done something bad to them. We say one thing and others understand the opposite. And everything, absolutely everything, goes wrong …

A bad day also happens when you have something important in your hand and everything gets ruined. Perhaps a very relevant job for us. We have prepared it with extreme care and, finally, the results are disappointing or a meeting with a special person that is canceled, after we had everything ready.

Nobody is saved from a bad day. The truth is, we don’t necessarily have to accept it, far from it. There is always something you can do to make a bad day better. After all, it is always a day in our life. And as long as there is life, there are ways to fix what’s wrong.

Tips to improve a bad day

1. A break

Stressful situations sometimes get the better of us. They start with a nuisance, they continue with increasing concern and when we least think about it, we are already a bundle of nerves, ready to explode. If we curb the stress in time, our bad day will improve.

Whenever stressful situations arise, you need to take a little break. And if possible, a longer break. Let’s take the opportunity to breathe, to listen to a good song or read something nice, or simply to take a short walk. This will help reduce stress and think more clearly.

Woman in front of an ocean thinking about how to improve a bad day

2. Reject self-fulfilling prophecies

Just because one day gets off to a bad start doesn’t mean the rest of the day will be the same. Nor does a bad moment forewarn the beginning of difficult times. However, sometimes we fall into the mistake of believing that evil is just an announcement of the worst.

Thus, without realizing it, we begin to formulate negative self-fulfilling prophecies. We say phrases like “I would have done better not to get out of bed” or “I’m unlucky” and other such phrases. When we least expect it, we turn these prophecies into reality within our heads.

The secret is to shift the focus from negative to positive, or at least find possible alternatives. Looking for solutions will help us improve a bad day, rather than doing nothing and complaining.

3. Change your body chemistry

Bad mood and stress cause chemical changes in the body. Particularly in the brain. Some hormones are activated, while others are inhibited. However, you don’t get out of this state without doing anything. Action must be taken for this chemical to change.

One way to achieve this is to do some sport. It can be a brisk walk or a light workout. And, why not, you can dance. Moving helps restore the lost chemical balance. Another option is to eat some healthy foods. Especially fresh fruit or vegetables. The goal is to take action.

Person walking trying to improve a bad day

4. Focus on the constructive

You can always learn from everything that happens to us. It is enough to adopt the right attitude. We just have to open our minds and ask ourselves if there is a teaching in what has happened to us. What does all this mean for us?

It is equally important to bring positive ideas to mind. Think, for example, of those days when everything is fine. We bring our mind to pleasant memories. We look carefully and appreciate the good that is around us. We must be grateful for all of these things.

5. Do something more

A bad day is also an excellent opportunity to ask for more of ourselves. Yes, ask for more. If we do half an hour of exercise a day, we go up to an hour. If we normally work well, let’s do it better. We devote more time and effort. You can even do something special for someone we haven’t paid attention to.

Woman with arms outstretched, happy to have improved a bad day

Lying on a sofa and blocking any activity is not an option. Nor is spending all day with a negative attitude. On the contrary, it is better to channel the discomfort you feel into an additional effort. This will surely make us feel better about ourselves. The mood will improve.

Remember that no matter what happens, even a bad day ends. The next day the sun rises again. If we can handle the circumstances, tomorrow will be much better. It is up to us to make it so.

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