Improving Children’s Concentration: 6 Foods

Improve children's concentration: 6 foods

In order for the brain to function optimally, it is necessary to follow a diet that provides the nutrients it needs. In the case of children, nutrition is even more important because it affects not only the functioning of their brain, but also its development. Below we will talk about foods that help improve children’s concentration in order to allow the little ones to develop their full potential.

Lack of concentration depends on many factors, one of them being fatigue. When a person is tired, they find it difficult to focus on something or to maintain concentration. Stress and lack of energy are two other factors that affect the ability to concentrate. The good news is that there are foods that help balance the body and help empower the mind. Here are a few.

Foods to improve the concentration of children


In general, fruit is suitable not only for children, but for everyone. Fruit does not have many calories, it does not contain additives, but fiber and water and there are all kinds of them. However, the most complete and energetic fruit for the brain is the banana.

Bananas provide large amounts of potassium and magnesium, both of which are very important in the diet. Research conducted by researchers at The Thomas Clarkson Community College has shown that banana is a source of vitamin B6, stimulates the production of norepinephrine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters are very important in the processes required for concentration.

Peanut Butter

All varieties of dried fruit are good for the body. However, it seems that peanuts, especially their butter (not in exaggerated quantity because it is very caloric), are an excellent source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.

Antioxidants protect neurons and stimulate the formation of neuronal connections. In addition, the fat part is rich in thiamine or vitamin B1, another substance that promotes the development and functioning of the central nervous system and helps to maintain concentration longer.

Yogurt: an ally of the brain

Children generally love yogurt. That’s a good thing when you consider the fact that it is one of the best foods to improve concentration and that it keeps you alert and alert, according to a study by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation .

This is because yogurt contains a high amount of tyrosine, an amino acid that stimulates the production of dopamine and noradrenaline, two decisive neurotransmitters in attention processes. Yogurt also helps improve memory.

Little girl eating a yogurt

Eggs: a complete source of protein 

Eggs are considered a super food because they contain many of the nutrients that make a diet worthwhile. One of the best properties of eggs is that they contain nine amino acids that are essential for the proper functioning of our metabolism.

At the same time, eggs are rich in two nutrients essential for memory and concentration, lutein and choline. As if that were not enough, they are also a source of protein and energy, which makes them a very important food in the various stages of growth.

Oats: a super food

Oats are one of those foods that should never be missing from our diet. It increases the feeling of satiety and is also a great source of energy. It is pure fiber and offers a high concentration of potassium and zinc.

In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin E and various B vitamins. Both stimulate concentration in children, are essential nutrients for the brain and necessary for cognitive activity.


Chocolate: a food that cannot be missing

Hardly anyone can resist a good cup of hot chocolate and that’s a good thing. This food is not only delicious, but also helps to recover energy in a short time and, of course, to stimulate the functioning of the brain.

Research conducted at Ohio State University has shown that a cup of hot chocolate a day improves cerebral circulation. As a result, memory and concentration also improve. Although it is preferable to choose the dark variety of chocolate, the sweet one, in small quantities, has never hurt anyone.

All of these foods are a great option for children’s diets, especially since they are foods that improve concentration and also have a pleasant taste that children are sure to appreciate. Don’t hesitate and add these foods to your children’s diet.

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