I Don’t Have Time To Criticize, I Have To Improve My Self-esteem

I don't have time to criticize, I need to improve my self-esteem

In many circumstances of our life we ​​make very harsh accusations that lead us to feel feelings of guilt and malaise from which it is very difficult for us to escape: we are obliged to balance and improve our self-esteem to get out of our prison.

Sometimes problems take over and, instead of taking action to improve our self-esteem, we look elsewhere, towards what makes us believe that others are worse off: criticism of others can come from our innermost part.

However, we are wrong. This way of escaping from what happens to us is selfish and useless: criticizing others is an attitude that reveals frustration and insecurity. Through free criticism based only on evil, people can become toxic and hurt others a lot without being aware of it.

Criticism defines the critic, not the criticized

words between women

They educate us based on what our community forges conventionally, so we are used to accepting the things we internalize as positive and criticizing or judging what we mean to be negative. When our behavior crosses the line marked by goodness, we repress ourselves and feel bad. 

However, there are people who escape the guidelines, who act uncensored and following their own path, the one that makes them happy. It is easy for a person who censure their lives criticize and judge someone who does not,  because it has a problem with herself, critics define the critical, not the Criticat or .

Our soul is reflected in the way we treat others, even if we don’t want to. If we are not happy and feel unable to change the situation, we must act. Otherwise, the rejections, the insults and the contempt towards other people, in reality, will go in one direction: us and our emotional emptiness.

The profile of a person who criticizes

Some traits of a person who constantly judges others and uses criticism as a form of communication are as follows:

  • Happiness is absent  in his life: we said it before, if a person feels the need to judge others and, in this way, to feel better, it means that he does not enjoy self-love. Having balance and well-being is very important for our personal relationships: those who are not happy with themselves will not be able to make anyone else happy.
  • Strangers are the target of criticism:  criticism is usually aimed at people who do not know or who know very little.  It’s easier, as directing criticism to a loved one can generate feelings of guilt and malaise.
  • Usually  it is a person dependent on others and insecure : improving self-esteem implies being more self-confident. A critic is usually an insecure person who needs others to immerse themselves in their own reality and solitude.

How to improve self-esteem

There are some strategies that will help us improve self-esteem, thus preventing our inner malaise from falling on other people who do not deserve it:

  • Remember successes and achievements.
  • Accepting mistakes without judging or criticizing us.
  • Do not seek approval in others, but in ourselves.
  • Remember the positive values ​​we have as people and make a list if necessary.
  • Accepting who we are, what we want to do and how we feel will help us improve our self-esteem.
  • Overcoming the past and learning from mistakes: in this case, criticizing others helps us to think that we have moved on, but it is not true.
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