How To Deal With Suicidal Thoughts?

How to cope with suicidal thoughts?

It is more usual than it looks; many people have had suicidal thoughts at times. This does not represent any character flaws, nor does it necessarily imply that you are weak or have a severe mental disorder.

People just  sometimes feel more pain than they are capable of, devastating pain that never seems to end. However, with time and help, pain is overcome, as well as suicidal thoughts.

The reason for suicidal thoughts 

There are many types of emotional pain that can make you think about suicide. The reasons for this pain are unique to everyone. Ultimately, the ability to cope with pain differs from person to person. We are all different. What for some is a light charge is for others an unbearable burden.

However, there are some common factors that can lead to experiencing suicidal thoughts. Often these thoughts are associated with problems that can be treated, such as depression, anxiety, drug addiction, or alcoholism.

They can also be due to work or school problems, financial difficulties, legal problems and other life difficulties that can create deep distress.

These situations also interfere with the ability to solve problems  and prevent you from seeing possible solutions to difficulties.

desperate girl

5 steps to coping with suicidal thoughts 

To deal with suicidal thoughts, the following steps can be very helpful:

 1 – Do nothing in the first moment

Despite the pain of the moment, you have to give yourself some time, leave some distance between thought and action.  

Thoughts and actions are two different things. Suicidal thoughts don’t have to come true. There is no expiration date, nothing and no one forces you or hurries you, so wait.

2 – Avoid drugs and alcohol 

Suicidal thoughts can become stronger under the influence of alcohol and drugs. For this reason, if these thoughts invade you, look for another way to drown your pains and forget. Remember: you vowed to wait.

3 – Make your home a safe environment

Get rid of things that can be dangerous, such as medicines, knives, scissors or weapons. If you can’t do this, go to a place where you will be safe.

4 – Do you think that others like you have had the same problem and have overcome it

Think about the fact that you are not the only ones who feel or have felt this way.  Take the example of others. If others have done it, it is possible for you too.


5 – Talk to someone

Sharing your thoughts with someone will help you free yourself and not be overwhelmed by them.  A friend, your doctor or a therapist, you need to talk to someone. Don’t let fear or shame keep you from getting rid of what’s inside, which is like a bomb about to explode.

Why may suicide seem like the only option?

If you can’t think of solutions other than suicide, it’s not because they don’t exist, but because you aren’t able to see them right now. This intense emotional pain you are experiencing can distort your thinking, making it harder to see possible solutions to problems or connect with those who can offer support.

Precisely for this reason, the previous steps are so important, starting with the first: take your time and don’t make the situation worse. Little by little the path will clear up.

A suicide crisis is almost always temporary

While it may seem like the pain and unhappiness will never end, it’s important to realize that these crises are usually temporary. Solutions are renewed, feelings change. Why opt for a permanent solution, such as death, for temporary feelings?

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