Gregg Braden: Experiments On The Power Of Intention

Gregg Braden has written more than 20 books, many of which have become bestsellers. His “The Time Code” has long remained on the New York Times bestseller list. Braden’s ideas are often unsettling.
Gregg Braden: Experiments on the Power of Intention

Gregg Braden is a scholar capable of shocking the public, since, although starting from scientific postulates, he expresses ideas that do not coincide with those of traditional science. Many of his positions are based on three experiments which, of course, constitute proof of what he claims; however, such evidence has not been replicated and is therefore not formally accepted as scientific evidence.

Some of Braden’s claims are somewhat bold, like the one that if many people meditate with a common goal, they can change reality. This is what some call “the power of intention”. It also claims that emotions affect DNA and therefore self-healing is possible and works in a similar way.

Before talking about Gregg Braden’s experiments, or rather, about the experiments on which he bases his thesis, it is important to clarify that science has not endorsed any of his claims, although it has not even systematically contested them. The subject dealt with therefore requires open-mindedness and prudence.

Mind with mechanisms.

Gregg Braden: science and spirituality

In the 1970s Braden worked as a computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum. Subsequently, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer at Martin Marietta Defense Systems. In 1991 he was appointed Technical Operations Director at Cisco Systems.

Braden also deepened the study of ancient cultures and developed a great interest in spiritual themes. It starts from the idea that science and spirituality are not mutually exclusive; which is why, starting from the mid-1990s, he turned his attention to research on the relationship between these two areas.

It should also be said that he is currently more famous for the large number of books he has written and for the television programs he has participated in than for anything else. It should be made clear that he is not a recognized researcher within the scientific community, although some of his work has been cited in some research.

The basis of his research

Gregg Braden produced a well-known documentary entitled The Science of Miracles. In it he exposes most of his theories and cites three truly surprising experiments. The first was conducted in 1990 by the Russian scientist Vladimir Poponin, the second is of a military nature and the third was carried out at the HeartMath institute.

Poponin’s experiment consisted of creating a vacuum in a glass tube. In reality, the total vacuum does not exist, what Poponin intended to study was the behavior of photons, or particles of light, inside this tube.

At first the photons were scattered, without any order. The researcher then introduced some human DNA samples and the particles lined up around the biological sample. In theory, this would show that DNA affects the matter around it.

Poponin experiment on DNA.

The other experiments

For the second experiment, a sample of white blood cells was collected, then placed in a special room where it was possible to measure the slightest electrical variations. The donor was in the next room. The latter was asked to watch a series of videos, in which violent and intimidating scenes appeared.

Braden says there was a match between the donor’s reactions and the changes in the white blood cells taken. In other words, the sensations felt by the donor were also felt by his biological sample. Apparently, this would prove that living cells recognize each other.

For the third experiment, 28 samples of human placenta were taken, which were then placed in some containers capable of detecting any electrical change. Next to each sample, there was a person meditating; each volunteer focused intensely on an emotion, positive or negative.

Braden states that DNA expands when someone projects a positive emotion and shrinks when the emotion is negative.

The aim of these experiments is to prove, unsuccessfully, that emotions change matter. In other words, Braden states that people can heal through positive thoughts and emotions. Although his work may offer interesting insights, there is still a long way to go before it can be considered scientifically valid.

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