Good Education Starts With The Best Example

Good education is that which begins with the best example

There are those who say that this life is so complex, selfish and full of injustices, that it is better not to have children in the world, to spare them unhappiness.

It is the fathers, mothers and educators who are in charge of offering good people to the world.  Happy children who, in a future, have wings spread and the courage enough to transform the world, to make it more noble and just. Is this perhaps a utopia?

Education is not just about conveying notions, teaching to speak or to cross the street.

To educate is to teach to be a person. Parents are the reflection from which to begin to understand the world through the eyes of a child, who learns more from examples than from words.

If we think of past experiences from our childhood that have remained in our minds, surely there are many moments that we remember being marked by incongruity.

Fathers and mothers who preached a series of values, which they themselves never put into practice, not even with us. Values ​​such as respect, recognition, knowing how to listen.

As we grow, we notice this gap between words and actual actions and we suffer from it. Parents like these weren’t a good example, and now we just tell ourselves ” I don’t have to behave like them , I don’t have to make their own mistakes “.

Being a good example for children makes things easier. In this way, their world becomes more harmonious and integral, without inconsistencies that disorient them, and instead full of values ​​to rely on to see reality in a more authentic way. Today we invite you to reflect on it.

How to be a good example for children

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Don’t get obsessed with being the best example for your children. It is simply a matter of being balanced and consistent people, able to love enough to understand that education is the best of the challenges one can face.

Nobody is infallible, nobody walks the world without making mistakes. Education is an act of love fragmented into 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. There is no respite, only hope, consistency and the need to bring happy people into the world.

Let us now return to the question we posed a little while ago: is it a utopia to want to bring into the world brave and happy people, capable of changing the world? Absolutely not.

This power lies in our hands, in our ability to give birth to  children who become dignified adults, able to make reality more integral through their characteristics and abilities.

How can this be done? We give you some ideas.

Know yourself well

You don’t need to reflect infinite virtues to be a good example for your children. The important thing is to have a good knowledge of oneself in order to adequately manage gestures, acts, words, emotions and behaviors.

  • Lunatic people or people with changeable behavior do not give safety to children : the latter, in fact, no longer know what indication to listen to and become suspicious. If you flatter them with promises today and fail to fulfill them tomorrow and furthermore punish them, the children will suffer from emotional instability.
  • The more you cultivate your self-knowledge, the better you will manage emotions and behavior. You will understand the need to be consistent, to set the right example, to represent a daily balance that embraces and comforts. Without high and low tides of affection.

Allow your children to follow your example to become unique beings

Current educational systems are providing our reality with equal people: children who are taught to think and act the same way, to be like others, to have the same things as others, for fear of diversity.

Leading by example means being aware of the words spoken. Leading by example also means that your child must acquire the best of you and transform this legacy into a personal benefit, to grow unique and with an identity of their own.

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It is good that this is clear to you: setting an example does not mean expecting your children to be your copy. It is about showing them what is right, teaching them things that will be useful in becoming happy people and, at the same time, able to give happiness to others.

  • Leading by example is to ignite the intellect and revive the emotions of recognition and reciprocity.
  • Setting an example is offering the soul. It is to show that words and gestures go in the same direction. It is teaching that people must be accountable for what they say and mature when they act.
  • Leading by example is allowing the child to find harmony in the first social scenario, that is, the family. This balance and these values ​​received will help him to become unique and special, with a voice of his own to be able to change the world.

Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay

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