Four Things Successful People Do Early In The Morning

Four things successful people do early in the morning

The early hours of the morning can play an important role in the development of the rest of the day. Many personal trainers of business executives, prominent politicians and other influencers, such as Jennifer Cohen (journalist for Forbes magazine and personal trainer), say that most of them have something in common: they get up early and make the most of the early hours. of the morning.

The extreme example of this lifestyle are characters like Margaret Thatcher , who got up every day at 5, or Robert Iger, CEO of Disney, who set the alarm at 4.30. Contrary to popular belief, however, starting the day so early does not mean getting to work right away. It is simply a way to awaken our senses first.

To understand this better, here are the four points that Cohen emphasizes in the behavior of the people she works for, and which she considers to be the basis of their success:

1. Do physical activity: activate the body and prevent it from getting lazy . Starting the day with an extra charge of energy also has a positive influence, thanks to the flow of hormones produced during exercise. Somehow, we get the same sense of well-being that we feel when we stop exercising, regardless of the time of day. Morning exercise doesn’t have to be intense. For example, 20 minutes on an exercise bike or a brisk walk and a bit of stretching are enough.

2. They plan their day and visualize it : Most of these people already know what they will be doing during the day, but they all take a few minutes to review schedules and view activities. This way, they can anticipate some possible stressful moments and already think about how to deal with them. Furthermore, it is useful for planning moments of rest or free time, which have the same importance as those of work.

3. Have a healthy breakfast: if we want our body to perform at its maximum, we will need energy, and the best thing is to provide it in the right way. If we don’t, we will feel tired from the early hours of the morning and immediately start teasing unhealthy foods. In this way, our nervous system will be much more prone to anxiety and we will arrive at the end of the day much more tired.

4. They start with the least pleasant work : the first things they try to put on the agenda are the least pleasant or the most tiring ones. We have more energy at the start of the day, and so there’s no better time to make that call we’d like to put off, write that boring document, or tidy up the office. As with exercise, doing all of this in the early hours means that when we’re done, the day will immediately feel brighter.

As with everything, getting up early and taking advantage of the early hours of the day can also be tiring. Rest is necessary and our body must have time to recover energy, especially if we are often stressed and full of commitments. But if you start setting the alarm a little earlier, you will see that little by little you will have all these advantages, and moreover you will notice how it will cost you less and less effort. Furthermore, you will be able to maintain a much more positive energy throughout the day.

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