Falling In Love Without Asking Permission Or Being Afraid

Falling in love without asking permission or being afraid

Fall in love without asking permission; abandon your fears! Do you know all that you are missing? Do you realize that you are missing out on some of the best experiences in your life because you are filled with fear? Fear of love enslaves.

Say enough and fall in love with all the consequences that this entails. Don’t be afraid to love. Be brave, take risks. The time you live will never return. Perhaps with another body and another soul, perhaps in another world and in another way, but never the same. Let your heart beat strongly.

Let love fill you like the sea breeze or the radiant sun. Laugh, jump, be happy; happy with that love that knocked on your door and welcomed you. Do not close the doors of your soul and heart; what are you so afraid of? Lose it? In this life, nothing is certain, only death. Be aware of the possible losses that will occur, including that of love, and live in the meantime. Give up the fear of loving.

Understanding the fear of loving

“What’s the matter with me? Why does love scare me so much? I can’t help it, but when I notice that I’m starting to fall in love, I pull back … I break the relationship and feel calmer. I feel a panic that somatizes with dizziness, nausea, tremor. And I can’t stand it. “

Perhaps what is happening to you is called philophobia. What is philophobia?  Philophobia is the fear of falling in love,  when the person tries to have a relationship, panic invades him and in most cases he ends up leaving the partner. Sometimes you realize what is happening, other times you find excuses or a thousand and one reasons to justify your decision.

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A philophobic person feels tremendous fear at the possibility of falling in love, and pulls back. Who likes to feel their heart pounding in excess, sweating, dizzy, ultimately being vulnerable? For this reason, the normal reaction is to get away from the unpleasant situation as soon as possible.

This fear of love, which floods the person,  seems to be related to past relationship experiences that have caused suffering and pain. For this reason, when the person feels the possibility of experiencing the same unpleasant sensations, he begins to be vulnerable, gets stuck and needs to escape from the relationship as soon as possible, to protect himself in the face of what could turn into a new disappointment.

How to get rid of the fear of love?

Phobias can be cured, therefore also philophobia. First of all, you have to accept what happens: you need the motivation to heal and the help of a specialist. There are some therapies to treat phobias, such as:

  • Cognitive therapy. It is the therapy that helps to know the mental process that makes you feel fear, that is what your fears and worries are, therefore your thoughts, and helps to replace them with more positive ones.
  • Affective desensitization therapy. It is therapy that consists in exposing the person to the cause of the panic, be it love or any other.
  • Hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can help eliminate negative associations. Try to find the psychic trauma of people under induced hypnotic state. In this state, the therapist asks the patient to let go of his fears.
  • Neurolinguistic programming. A controversial therapy that goes back to hypnosis. According to this therapy, our thoughts are made up of words, words that create a program in our brain. We need to know these programs installed by us or by our parents, professors, etc., and change them.
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We too can try to cope with our fear of loving. To do this, we must be ready for change and aware that on many occasions we will try to find excuses. We can also try to:

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