Do You Worry A Lot About The Opinion Of Others?

Do you worry a lot about the opinion of others?

It is undeniable that personal attitudes define one’s life. In turn, the world constantly affects so that everyone takes a different path, or not so much, and the people around us have a better chance of exerting a direct influence on our actions. How can you measure the level of influence of others on you ?

While it is important to know the opinion of some people, because we can all enrich each other, worrying too much about what others think can be counterproductive to your daily life. Let’s see some examples:

1. You enjoy pleasing others

A typical sign of how much you care about the opinion of others is trying to  please everyone. Without a doubt, this is the formula for failure.

Putting other people’s wishes before yours only benefits others. Don’t be afraid to have discussions with your friends. Amazingly, people like people to have character and personality. If you always adapt to the wishes of others, you will never know yours and, probably, you will push people away rather than attract them.

2. Constantly boasting

Taking advantage of any opportunity to brag about all the things you have accomplished and make others feel less important is an unmistakable sign that you care that those around you know who you are. You may indeed be able to impress them, but not necessarily in a positive way.

3. You focus a lot on how others treat you

The feedbacks are positive if you consider them mere opinions and not final judgments. When people make comments about you, listen to them and reflect on the fact that their words can help you improve some aspects, but it is not necessary to take these opinions so seriously, to the point of damaging your character and changing who you are. reality.

If the attitude of others places too much weight on you, it means that you have a very weak and influential personality. Be careful at this point, because some people can go so far as to manipulate you into doing what they want.

4. Not knowing how to say “no”

Even people who don’t know how to say “no” to others give a lot of weight to the opinion of others. Learning to say “no” every now and then is essential, it helps you to be firm in your ideas and decisions and prevents people from trying to abuse you.

5. Make decisions based on what others expect of you

This last point is the most important, as this behavior can jeopardize all the important decisions in your life. Your friends and family are the people who have the greatest influence on you, and much of it won’t necessarily be beneficial to you.

If your parents, friends, or whoever sets expectations for you that don’t match your desires, respectfully ignore their suggestions. Even if we are always influenced by someone, try to be inspired by those on the same wavelength as you. In general, the best mentors are located outside our closest social circle and will help you have a more partial view of your goals.

Try to develop your personality and respectfully project it onto others. When you talk to other people, be interested in them and their opinions, but bear in mind that they are nothing more than this: opinions. 

To thank people, you don’t need to flatter them, you just need to be honest, have a sense of humor and a character that projects confidence and confidence. 

Images courtesy of Juboo Alive

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