Borderline Disorder: When Everything In Life Is Black Or White

Borderline Disorder: When everything is black or white in life

Extreme emotions, recurring thoughts of self-harm, suicide attempts, poor tolerance of frustration and chronic feelings of loneliness are just some of the characteristics that Borderline Disorder manifests in individuals who suffer from it.

There are many people who deny this pathology, showing their disapproval in front of its possible existence. This is because Borderline Disorder is difficult to identify  given the large amount of symptoms common to other diseases, such as depression or anxiety.

People who move between two extremes

Borderline Disorder is also known as Borderline Personality Disorder. People who suffer from it move between two extremes: feeling good and feeling bad. They fail to maintain true balance in their lives, and if they do, it is for a very limited period of time.

It generally appears at a young age, during adolescence, although sometimes it is not diagnosed until adulthood, since mood swings can be justified by the hormonal upheavals that occur between the ages of 11 and 19.


However, Borderline Disorder does not go away on its own. Without an accurate diagnosis and as the years go by, this disorder progresses and will turn the life of the sufferer into a torment. Do you want to discover some of the most typical situations of those suffering from this disease?

  • When they are close to abandonment, be it feared or real, they go to great lengths to prevent it from happening. This is where self-harming behaviors or suicide threats begin to surface.
  • The relationships they have with others are very intense and present a first idealization of the person which, later on, turns into contempt.
  • There is a clear identity disorder, the consequence of which is that the person with the disorder thinks that they no longer know who they are  and that they are constantly and desperately looking for their place in the world.
  • She manifests a great impulsiveness that leads her to self-harm, to suffer from eating disorders or to use drugs.
  • Many of the people with Borderline Disorder report feeling a chronic inner emptiness  that they try to fill in different ways.

These are just some of the realities that characterize borderline personality disorder, although it is necessary to return to one of the most important: self-harm. People suffering from this disease are unable to process their emotions  and feel them so intensely that their only way out is to inflict physical pain on themselves.


Certainly not all people with Borderline Disorder exhibit these behaviors, although sometimes the fact of hurting oneself manifests itself in other ways. For example in eating disorders, such as stopping overeating or overeating and vomiting.

Chaotic relationships and unstable emotions

Beyond the inner emptiness they can feel and the intense emotions they try to process, people with Borderline Disorder have another big problem that plagues them: interpersonal relationships. This is where they continually bump into a wall that they can’t get over.

It must be said that this disorder can be induced already in childhood. Even if it is not certain that you will end up suffering from it, the factors that can make a person more likely to suffer from this pathology are abuse in the course of childhood, a lack of communication in the family, the crumbling of the family, abandonment during the childhood or adolescence, etc.


All of this establishes a before and after in relationships. A continuous search for that person who frees them from the inner emptiness they feel, but also the constant frustration of not being able to find it. This causes all of their relationships to become toxic sooner or later.

Even in relationships of friendship,  a lie or a deception can cause a whole spiral of betrayal  that will lead to anger and, later, to sadness. The situation becomes unbearable and, at times, people with this disorder begin to isolate themselves to avoid being disappointed.

It is normal for situations of anxiety and depression to arise in the face of these circumstances, which can confuse the diagnosis of Personality Disorder.

However,  with the right treatment, this disorder can be controlled  and lead a normal life. The ups and downs will no longer be so frequent, relationships will improve … Furthermore, it will be possible to be responsible at work, many people with borderline disorder, in fact, leave their jobs or have days in which they cannot get out of bed and lead to end their duties.

It’s not all black or white in life, there are nuances that people with this disorder cannot perceive. Their great sensitivity and the excessive dose of emotions they experience leads them to move between the two extremes. While it can be very difficult, with the right treatment and care, they can get out of it and get on with their life.

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