Be The Best Version Of Yourself

Be the best version of yourself

Everyone tries to bring out the best in themselves, but few do. When the time comes to achieve success, to dream and to live the life we ​​want, we are our worst enemies. Some people even engage in self-destructive behaviors as if it were an addiction.

No matter our age, it is always difficult to come up with the best version of ourselves.

There are those who become self-destructive without realizing it, while others are aware of it, but do nothing to change. If you feel ready and determined to become the best version of yourself, then follow these steps.

Stop being negative

“I am a failure in love”, “I can never have the body I want” and “my life is disgusting” are just three of the phrases that we usually repeat to ourselves over and over again.

When we have these negative conversations, we convince ourselves that certain nonsense ideas are true.

woman thinking in the countryside

This is a real problem, because we’re just self-sabotaging ourselves by convincing ourselves that it’s not the best thing to stop trying. Learning how to silence negative self-criticism is very important and the first step in this direction is to be aware of it.

Identify the moment these sentences start appearing in your mind.

As soon as you notice that you are sabotaging yourself, think of something positive and completely change your behavior. Over time it will get easier.

Stop criticizing and judging others

Have you ever realized how easy it is to criticize others? It gives us a feeling of superiority, even if it has no foundation.

The first step can be to avoid judging others. When we use our time to criticize, we end up hurting the other person’s self-esteem and hurting ourselves with regards to interpersonal relationships.

Allow yourself the opportunity to get to know the people around you without creating any expectations and without hoping that they will be as you wish. Each of us is different and that’s good.

Everyone lives their life as they want and you must do the same.

Stop fearing failure

One of the things that keep us from being the best version of ourselves is the fear of failure. Maybe you want something with all your heart, but don’t dare to jump in, because you are afraid of making a mistake. Then, choose to avoid the risk and spend time feeling that there is something wrong with your life.

The rest of the people simply content themselves with receiving what life gives them. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, mistakes are the best source of knowledge and growth.

Do what you want

This point is closely related to bankruptcy. If we spend our entire life running away from failure, we will likely end up doing things we don’t really want to do, from studying something we don’t care about to marrying someone who doesn’t make us happy.

The best version of us manifests itself when we take the risk of finding ourselves. You have to dream and do what you can to make those dreams a reality.

Happy woman with closed eyes

Finally, forget that you are the perfect person for others. It is a concept that does not exist and this research will make you very unhappy. If you want to please someone, please yourself.

Surround yourself with people who are a source of motivation

Another way to be the best version of yourself is to surround yourself with people who make you better. When your friends or family speak to you in a positive tone and motivate you to achieve your goals, the road to getting there becomes easier and more rewarding.

If your friends and family aren’t exactly good company, then you need to find alternatives. Do not completely abandon the friends you have now, but give yourself the opportunity to meet new people who give you new vibes.

You can also seek counselors, therapists or coaches to help you find the motivation you need.

Are you ready to be yourself?

As you can see, the road to being yourself will not be the easiest in the world to take. However, what makes the difference between success or failure is your attitude.

You will know that you are ready to find yourself when you are willing to overcome obstacles without pretexts. Before that, failure will be inevitable.

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