Cultivating Loneliness Improves Our Relationships

Cultivating loneliness improves our relationships

We spend our days surrounded by people, be it physically or virtually. At work, at home, in moments of leisure … What is certain is that it is not common to do something alone, whether it is going to the cinema, having a coffee or going for a walk. And, when we’re on our own, we don’t think twice about pulling out the phone to check out the latest news and notifications from who we know.

The company of others is necessary and relationships give meaning to life, but the problem arises when we spend too much time in company, because we are unable to be alone with ourselves. We get bored, we don’t feel comfortable, we get nervous and we have to find someone’s company.

However , loneliness, to the right extent, plays a very beneficial role for people. Not only is a certain degree of loneliness required to carry out certain activities, but it can even improve our social relationships, as it gives us the mental space we need to disconnect from others and connect with ourselves.


Loneliness allows us to rediscover ourselves

When we spend every hour of the day in contact with other people, physically or virtually, we are constantly exposed to the thoughts, judgments and expectations of others. It is not a question of something negative, the human being is a social being and it is necessary to know and integrate with one’s environment, but one must also find oneself.

The moments of solitude allow us to reflect on the social environments in which we are involved, on the opinions of others, on trends, on what society expects of us, etc., and we need those moments of solitude to know our true opinion or position with respect to the group, without the pressure that external gazes sometimes put.

Loneliness is the place where we can know and explore our tastes and passions

Another problem that arises when we spend all our time in company is that we move from one activity to another and, if for some reason we run out of plans, a Saturday night for example, it can make us feel bad because we don’t remember how to spend it well. alone.

Having moments only for ourselves every now and then allows us to explore our personal pastimes. We can see a movie or a TV series that we like, read a book, write, go out for a walk in the city, cook, take a relaxing bath… For sure, the number of possible floors is infinite.

Spending free time alone is a way of taking care of yourself and repeating yourself to be independent people. Furthermore, with these activities, we can find ideas and advice that we can then share with others.

Woman who opens her heart

Loneliness gives us room for introspection

Only in solitude can we reflect on our life, on our values ​​and on our projects, on our virtues and on our defects. Loneliness is the space we need for introspection, to think about ourselves and our relationships and look for ways to improve. Without moments to reflect, we may never know where we are and where we want to go.

Social life is full of conflicts, as it is a fundamental part of human relationships. It is important to talk to others to know different points of view and not to get lost in your own thoughts, but it is also important to have moments of reflection in solitude in which you can reflect sincerely on how we act in those cases and how to solve them.

“Loneliness is the empire of knowledge”

-Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer-

Loneliness is the impulse of creativity

There are activities that can only be done in a group and others that can only be done alone. Creative activities usually fall within the latter category. Writing, painting, sewing, cooking… There are millions of ways to develop that part of our brain connected to intuition and art.

We often spend so much time immersed in fundamental issues, such as work and other responsibilities, that we forget to look for a moment to develop that more creative part of life that brings so many benefits to us.

In the middle we find the balance. An excess of loneliness can isolate us and even induce feelings of depression and isolation, but not knowing how to be alone can make us forget who we really are and prevent us from recognizing when it is necessary to spend time alone, take care of yourself and have fun with your own. company.

And you? Do you enjoy some time alone? How?

Images courtesy of Christian Schloe

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