Knowing Yourself To Receive Sincere Love

Sometimes, without first stopping to analyze how much we are worth and what we deserve, we surrender ourselves to love, unaware that we deserve true love, someone who truly loves us. 
Know yourself to receive sincere love

Sometimes, we love a person without really knowing each other first, without understanding how much we are worth and without having learned to love ourselves. The point is that when self-love is lacking, we are like strangers to ourselves. In this case, the relationships we establish with others are not entirely authentic and we tend to create bonds that do not bring us any advantage. For this reason, knowing yourself is of paramount importance.

It allows you to feel good, have healthy relationships and decide what you like, what interests you and what enriches. Furthermore, it allows us to recognize situations and people that can hurt us.

A fundamental rule of being happy with others is being comfortable with yourself. You must never forget this. If we wish to meet someone who truly loves us, we must first feel this love for ourselves.

Before venturing into a love story, fully enjoying it and being reciprocated, we must begin our journey by learning to respect and love ourselves. We must reflect well on what we expect from a relationship, without forgetting a fundamental aspect: being willing to give the same love and respect that you want to receive from the other. As Stephen Chbosky says.

Happy couple looking at each other

We deserve someone who can truly love us

The poem exposes some of the things that, ideally, people deserve in a couple relationship.

We must not forget, however, that each person is a world unto itself and as such must be treated differently to achieve happiness as a couple. It is very important to learn to love the other person the way they need to be loved and, at the same time, to teach them how we need to be loved. In this sense, the acceptance of the other is a good ally.

Regardless of either’s condition, what we want and need is for our partner to give us affection, respect and love us. Love can be shown with facts and not just with beautiful empty words. Facts, along with attention to small details, allow us to build and grow a relationship. Just like Nichloas Sparks says.

Happy couple under a rain of light knowing themselves

Know yourself to find the right person

How do we know who the right person is? It is not easy to answer this question. Life is full of ups and downs, disappointments, moments of joy, but also of suffering. During our life we ​​have the opportunity to meet many people. But who is really right for us?

Typically, the right person, this being capable and willing to give us the love we desire and deserve, is found when one is ready to give and receive that love. Although there are cases in which one person teaches the other to discover and love each other, the first step is to know oneself.

The important things

In addition to love, it is important to be willing to walk in the same direction. A journey traveled not with the feet, but with the heart, commitment and daily attention.

The right person will try to be better every day and help you cope with the fears and risks of a relationship. He will support you, he will take care of you and above all he will grow with you, even if in his own time.

Love that makes you grow and evolve can also have positive effects on others. It can be an example and make it clear that true love exists. When it happens, it’s wonderful.

Remember, therefore, that you must learn to know yourself and to love yourself in order to establish bonds full of affection, built on the basis of mutual respect and improvement. It is mutual support that keeps true love alive.

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