The Legend Of The Sword Of Damocles

The legend of the sword of Damocles originates in Rome, about four centuries before our era. Despite its ancient origins, it continues to be present in everyday language.
The legend of the sword of Damocles

The creator of the legend of the sword of Damocles seems to have been the historian Timaeus of Tauromenus. Yet, it was the famous philosopher Cicero who transformed it into the famous tale that is still quoted today.

Although the legend of the sword of Damocles contains real characters, it is thought to be the fruit of the author’s imagination and that its focus was primarily of a moral nature. Cicero included it in his work Tusculanae disputationes and thanks to this it became famous throughout the West.

Marco Tullio Cicero was one of the great Roman politicians and thinkers. He was a great defender of the Republic, but he had to live the dictatorship of Dionysius I, or Dionysius the Elder, remembered as the tyrant of Syracuse. The legend of the sword of Damocles is also an allusion to the dictator.

Statue of Cicero.
Statue of Marco Tullio Cicero.

The tyranny of Dionysius I

Dionysius I came to power thanks to the conspiracy. He was endowed with great persuasive power and this certainly facilitated his rise to power. In those days, it was not the custom of rulers to have an escort. Since he wanted to have warriors under his direct command, he invented a conspiracy against himself and the people approved that 600 men protect him.

He had a conquering spirit that allowed him to extend his domains. He is remembered because he had great control over the people and was relentless with his enemies. He was also very devoted to the pleasures of the senses: food, drink and women. His son, called Dionisio, also had this inclination.

Dionysius I had great powers, but he was not happy. He lived with the constant fear that his enemies would set a trap to kill him. It is said that he slept in a bed surrounded by a ditch so as not to be surprised. He only trusted his daughters to shave his beard and eat.

The legend of the sword of Damocles

It is said that there was a courtier called Damocles who constantly flattered the tyrant. He described him as a great man and extolled his style. According to him, the excesses in eating and drinking were related to the greatness of the ruler.

Many thought that Damocles actually envied the tyrant. Once they met and the courtier filled the housekeeper with flattery. Tired of his flattery,  Dionisio proposed that he change places for a day, so that Damocles could experience on his skin the weight of power and excesses.

Damocles accepted enchanted and the next day he arrived very soon at the government house to take the place of the tyrant. He sat on the throne and from that moment was served by a multitude of servants who indulged down to the smallest of his whims.

Suddenly, Damocles looked up and  saw that just above his head was a sharp sword, which was supported only by horsehair. It was obvious that if that delicate thread broke, his head would roll down too. As soon as he realized this, he did not continue to savor the food, the drinks and the women, but asked to finish the experiment.

Coletto suspended on the apple.

A review of history

Cicero, who created the most famous version of the legend of the sword of Damocles, belonged to the philosophical school of the Stoics. These sustained a life without excess, because in the long run they would generate suffering. It is then thought that this thinker mainly wanted to show the other side of luxury and ostentation.

According to others, the legend of the sword of Damocles  was a direct criticism of the dictator, which highlighted his weakness: the fear of being betrayed by those close to him and could have done him more harm. History shows that power itself carries risks that make it impossible to enjoy the little things. “Whoever is feared by many must fear many”.

It is also said that Cicero’s is an allegory applicable to any human being. The sword of Damocles represents death, which is a constant threat  and from which no one can escape. So we are all threatened with death and it only takes a minute for the thread to break and “roll off our heads”.

Nowadays  the expression “sword of Damocles” is used to indicate situations in which an error can have very serious consequences. For example, John Kennedy, in one of his speeches, said that all of humanity is threatened by the same sword of Damocles: nuclear war.

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