9 Things Only Empathic People Can Understand

9 things only empathic people can understand

Empathy is a quality that people possess who know how to put themselves in the shoes of others, sharing their pain or their happiness, their worries or their hopes.

This social ability, so valued, but not as widespread, puts such people in a particular situation that differentiates them from others. This is why there are circumstances that can only be understood by empathic people.

Do you want to know what they are? Here are some of them:

1 – It is possible to have good intentions even in the worst moments

Empathetic people have a tendency to be forgiving of the faults and shortcomings of others. For this, an empathic person is able to understand that, even in the worst circumstances, an individual can have good intentions, can apologize, or can appreciate a nice gesture.

2 – The first impression is not what matters

We can seldom offer the best of ourselves at the first meeting. And we probably can’t do it at the second and third either.

Empathetic people understand that first impressions are not as important as they seem and can be understood as confidence builds. They know it takes a lifetime to get to know someone thoroughly.

3 – Knowing how to listen is the best gift a friend can have

We all like to be heard and let us speak without judging us. Empathetic people know that listening is a great virtue and that when someone needs to speak, silence is a gift, even if it takes a long time for them to open their heart.

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4 – There are times when you have to be there

Empathetic people feel the pain and cheer of their loved ones and know when their presence is needed. At the same time, they also know when there are too many and it is better to leave.

5 – It is not easy to sever toxic bonds

The problem empathic people have is that they struggle to break ties with toxic individuals for their lives because they are emotionally attached to them.

For others, it is easy to detach from those who make them suffer, but for an empathic person it is a complex process of emotional detachment ; however, the bond can never be completely severed.

6 – Others do not always live up to expectations

Empathetic people know what others need and know when to give them that something. However, when they need others or expect something from them, they usually don’t get it. This causes a feeling of emptiness and frustration.

Nonetheless, they are unable to pay back with the same coin and continue to give when they feel compelled to do so.

7 – You must always think before speaking

Empathetic people always think carefully before speaking, especially when another person’s happiness and psychological well-being are at stake. They always look for the words that the other needs to hear and say them gently, trying not to hurt him.

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8 – Being the devil’s advocate is one of their specialties

Empathic people often find themselves in complex situations, where they turn into devil’s advocates, with the aim of helping others to clarify their thoughts.

They are not satisfied with saying the things that others want to hear, but they demonstrate the reality of the facts to them effectively and intelligently.

9 – In life it’s not all black or white, there is a wide range of shades

Empathetic people don’t live life to the extreme, because they enjoy the nuances. When someone takes an extreme position, the empathic person is able to show him that he is not all white or all black, showing him the various possibilities that the journey of life can offer.

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