Movement Generates Movement

Movement generates movement

What you are going to read is not an article about motivation. The intent of these words is to convey the idea of ​​movement to you.

It is an essay on activity and on those small uncertain steps we take towards a goal that we can only project, but which never seems to arrive.

There are many reasons that cause us to remain “static” and, unfortunately, certain circumstances or moments in life force us to remain in this state.

They are those moments when life seems to stop and our dreams are something very distant and impossible that we see through a window.

It is obvious that we are all fighting for something or for someone (or for both at the same time), but when do we realize that we have arrived at the place we wanted to reach ?

There seem to be few signs that tell us this.

In fact, happiness is an ephemeral and fleeting emotion that vanishes when our mind says: “Yes, but …”. In fact, even that sadness, in just measure, is necessary to enhance the beautiful moments.


Each step is necessary

Any decision implies giving up something and perhaps there will always remain the doubt about what could have happened if we had chosen the path that we have instead abandoned.

We seem to be used to working towards goals, so when we achieve one in a rather satisfying way, we feel happy and fulfilled.

However, shortly after our mind starts a process of sabotage with new doubts and anxieties that make us question everything: was it really an important milestone or is it simply a failed attempt?

The fact is, maybe we will never be able to feel good about ourselves ?

Yes, movement is important. But an exaggerated movement to achieve an abstract goal becomes obsessive and damaging to our self-esteem, as well as influencing our view of the world and personal relationships.

There are many reasons why randomness is the result of small actions we took and, therefore, most of the time, we didn’t know where we were headed. It was just bread crumbs that we left behind and didn’t consider them.

Do not forget, however, that each step is crucial in the process of life.


We often hear that “life is a top”, but in reality it only spins if we are the ones who cast it.

From the sofa in our home it is impossible to change the world, but it is equally impossible to reach what we call a destination with exaggerated and excessive demands. As always, the secret of everything lies in the middle way.

Think about all the things you thought would never come, how did they come? Because we wanted them, but we didn’t realize it.  These are goals that we have achieved and that it is not okay to despise, it is not okay to despise ourselves.

Movement is the transition from power to action

There are many things that we want to do and that remain just an idea in our head for fear. We imagine a catastrophic future filled with insecurities, irreparable damage and anticipated bankruptcy.

This happens in the face of small movements and also in the face of the great challenges of life.

In the first case there is a solution: do it. In the second case, there is another solution: you have to be patient and keep your feet on the ground, because in the face of particularly difficult challenges it is very easy to fail in a short time and perhaps life is made up of small approximations.

You may have realized that you find tons of excuses not to act and that your fears find excellent reasons to corroborate your hypotheses, but have you really tried?

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