Apply Abundance To Your Life

Apply abundance to your life

“When I chase money, I never have enough. When my life focuses on a goal, on giving my best, I become prosperous. “

(Wayne Dyer)

What does it mean to be abundant?

Being abundant means having something in large quantities, but this “something” does not have to be intense in strictly economic terms, but in the broadest sense of the word.

I can be abundant because I travel with my family, because I help others, because  I dedicate myself to what I am passionate about, etc.

Abundance must be understood in its broadest sense. Don’t just think about money, think about what makes you feel good and what makes you happy.

The first question we must ask ourselves is ” How do we feel: abundant or lacking?”.


The influence of limiting beliefs

According to Enric Corberá, a Spanish psychologist who also graduated in the neurobiology of emotions,  there is a series of limiting beliefs rooted in our mind,  which prevent us from living in abundance.

The work,  or the idea that we have work, is one of these limiting beliefs, because we start from the idea that in order to receive, you have to give, you deserve things only as a result of hard work, effort and sacrifice made. 

It seems to us that if we achieve abundance without effort, we are doing something bad.

When someone helps us without asking for anything in return, we usually think “what will he want?”, “Why does he help me?”, “What does he expect of me?”. We can’t imagine that someone can help us just because they want it, because they feel good doing it, without wanting anything in return.

Another ingrained limiting belief in us is attachment to what we possess. We are afraid of losing what we own. Fear of losing our partner, our money, our job.

woman looking at the horizon

However, the reality is that  when you have, you have to be willing to let go for something new to come. For example, if your partner no longer loves you or in any case no longer wants to be with you, it is better to let him / her go, it is the only way for someone else to come into your life or maybe not, but at least you will live the your solitude with joy and you will have the opportunity to know yourself as a person.

On many occasions, we tend to chase money or other symbols of wealth such as an expensive watch, a luxury car, etc. An essential question in this sense is “Why do I want it?”.

If the answer is “ to get a certain status ”, it means that we have a self-esteem problem, as we need something that symbolizes our status.

How to get abundance in life?

If we start from the basis that we live in abundance, we only need to improve some aspects of our way of thinking to feel abundant. Between these:

Improve our self-esteem

Our self-esteem or  consideration that we have of ourselves is something that we have to improve to get plenty. Generally the idea we have of ourselves depends on how others believe we are.

Walter Riso, an Argentine psychologist, provides us with some strategies to improve our self-esteem:

Foster self-praise. We should not chastise ourselves with negative words about ourselves, but praise ourselves with positive words. I did it really well!

Reward yourself. When you achieve something positive in life, reward yourself. It is not necessary to reward yourself with expensive things, if you like sweets, for example, buy them; if you like cinema, go there when you can.

Eliminate repressive beliefs  that prevent you from making yourself stronger. For example, self-control of feelings. Of course we must set certain limits, but we must not forget to enjoy and try, putting aside the rational aspect from time to time.

Don’t be ashamed of your successes and your efforts. It’s about recognizing our successes for ourselves, not complaining.

heart in your hands

Change limiting beliefs

To be able to live in abundance, it is essential to overcome the limiting beliefs that we have programmed.

To be able to have abundance without effort  and without suffering, we must let go to allow new things to enter our life; we must not feel attachment to what we possess and we must not pursue suns or other symbols of wealth.

To be grateful

It is important to be grateful for all the circumstances of our life, its lights and shadows. Gratitude is one of the greatest qualities of a human being.

Act with detachment

If I lose something, I can  think of how much better it will come, the fact that that hole left by what has been lost can be filled by another thing, by another person, by another circumstance.

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