The Phrases Einstein Said And Those He Didn’t Say

The phrases Einstein said and the ones he didn't say

Albert Einstein, the captivating German physicist who continues to move the world many years after his death, was a genius brimming with humanity who continues to delight our minds by playing with double meanings and reflection.

Such is the devotion that the present world professes to him that numerous citations attributed to him abound on the internet, not always without error. In this article we list  some phrases that were said by Einstein and others never uttered by the physicist.

Phrases that Einstein actually said

1- “ God does not play dice”.

2- “I don’t know which weapons will be used during the Third World War, but I can deduce which ones will be used in the fourth: stones!”

3- “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination surrounds the world ”.

4- “Don’t worry about the difficulties you encounter in mathematics, I can assure you that mine are even greater”.

5- “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind ”.

6- “Everyone must sacrifice themselves every now and then on the altar of stupidity”.

7- “We are all very ignorant, but not all of us ignore the same things.”

8- “When I was young I noticed that the big toe always ends up making a hole in the sock. So I stopped wearing socks ”.

9- “There are two ways of seeing life: one believing that miracles do not exist, the other believing that everything is a miracle.”

10- “We are all architects of our own destiny.”

11- “Our sad age! It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice ”.

12- “My political ideal is the democratic one. Everyone must be respected as a person and no one must be deified. “

13- “Memory is the intelligence of fools.”

14- “I don’t have special talents, but I’m deeply curious.”

16- “The important thing is not to stop asking questions.”

17- “The joy of seeing and understanding is the most perfect gift of nature.


18- “The word progress has no meaning while there will be unhappy children”.

19- “If you want to describe what is true, do it with simplicity; leave elegance to the tailor. “

20- “Man meets God behind every door that science cannot open”.

21- “The value of the product lies in the production”.

22- “Maturity begins to manifest itself when we feel that our concern is more for others than for ourselves.”

23- “The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who do evil deeds, but because of those who observe without doing anything. “

24- “Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe; and I’m not entirely sure about the second. “

25- “There is a more powerful driving force than steam, electricity and atomic energy: the will.”

26- “The mind is like a parachute. It only works if we keep it open “

27- “In the beginning all thoughts belong to love. Then, all love belongs to thoughts. “

Phrases wrongly attributed to Einstein

1- “Two things amaze me: the starry sky above me and the moral law within me”.

2- “Madness means always doing the same hoping to get different results”.

3- “I think I can say with certainty that no one is able to understand quantum mechanics”.

4- “Perhaps we could describe the situation by saying that God is a first-rate mathematician who used very advanced formulas to build the universe”.

5- “When an elderly and distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he says that something is impossible, he is probably wrong ”.

6- “Everything is relative”

Do you know any interesting quotes you want to share? Tell us about it!

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