With Closed Eyes And Open Dreams

With closed eyes and open dreams

What is life? Delirium, illusion,

just chimera and shadow,

and the greatest good is nothing,

because all life is a dream,

and dreams are only dreams

Calderón de la Barca

Dreams, like almost every other aspect of our existence, perform an extraordinary function in our life if they are in balance and in harmony with it. There are as many dreams on our planet as there are people; yet it happens that often, out of fear, shame or discouragement, we tend to crush our ability to dream, keeping it locked up for fear of being hurt, thus giving up a wonderful part of our being.

We take the key that unlocks dreams, we throw it into the sea and, if it comes up, we throw it again. Whenever we collect it, we grow up, unconsciously, but without this making us wiser or happier.

It is a stubborn and silent process that acts against our nature, endangering our hope. Not a frivolous hope, but a wise and moving hope: the one that makes us human and that makes us wake up every morning in order to live a new day, and not to suffer for another 24 hours.

Just when we lock up dreams and hope, the steel wire of that same lock also imprisons the imagination and the ability to plan. We chase away everything that does not fit into the routine, and we end up breathing an inexorable sigh of relief when, one after the other, the pages of the calendar scroll down.

There are people who are not so radical, people who always look ahead and set easy goals for which it is not necessary to sacrifice “normality” , which it is their desire to preserve. They are afraid of losing the low self-esteem they have and first of all try to reduce the chances of not triumphing in the goals in a short time.

These are those people who only get on board a boat if they are certain in advance that the wind will blow in their favor, that there will be no storms and that the most experienced captain is at the controls of the boat. They are those who do not take risks for fear of not winning, those who do not walk for fear of stones.

But, as you well know, there is another category of people : those whose dreams are strongly linked to precise and exhilarating goals, which pose a challenge to their abilities.

Inside their trunk of illusions, two types of dreams could be found at the same time: those that can be achieved in a short / medium period of time, and those that have to do with a future to be built little by little.

Both of these dreams are fundamental, given that some serve us as a source of learning and bring us an extraordinary and continuous strength, while the others trace the lines of the sketch of life that we are passionate about and that we would like to live.


Lastly, there are people who never touch the ground . In other words, they live more in the future than in the present. Their dreams are huge, but at the same time not very elaborate and motivating, that is, not suitable to be put into practice.

This is the category of people we all know as dreamers . Souls who live within a constant vortex of emotions, far from what their life is. We can therefore refer to them as grown children, with a tendentially innocent character and passive attitudes towards the present.

They can’t stand routine and their favorite activity is starting new things, which is also characteristic of the second category of people. Yet in this case, they love starting new businesses so much, that they rarely bring any to completion . If they manage to get a project done, it is only through an enormous exercise of discipline and continual effort in an attempt to maintain a self-control they are not used to.

We have described these three types of dreamers as if they were of three distinct colors, but the reality is that each of us, however drastically close to one of these profiles, is not exclusively part of one of them.

In fact, we often tend to approach a specific corner of the “dreamer’s triangle” based on the moment, the scope or the situation in which we find ourselves, favoring our growth and our eclecticism.

A certain fact is that the happiest people are those who belong to the second category, that is, those who fight to the end; as for the third type, it seems that it fits better with our deepest essence and our restlessness, aspects that allow us to fully open our wings.

If the ability to dream is therefore rooted in us since we were born, it is clear that the possibility of realizing our dreams or leaving them at the bottom of the trunk is all in our hands. Because if it is all an illusion, then let us force ourselves to choose the most beautiful illusions and put our wings to the test, the only means we have to give life to our freedom, to sail the skies and cultivate our spirit, learning the language of moon.

Only by understanding the language of the moon, in fact, can you understand the importance of eating colored clouds and breathing the light of the stars … all with the absolute certainty of doing what you really want …

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