7 Exercises To Relax And Say Goodbye To Anxiety

7 exercises to relax and say goodbye to anxiety

On several occasions we have reiterated to you that anxiety, in itself, is not always a bad thing. In fact, it is an adaptive condition because it allows us to relate to our surroundings with the right level of activation.

However, anxiety understood as excess arousal becomes unhealthy for us, as it impairs our daily life. Even if you think this is not your concern, know that it could happen to you at any time in your life.

For this reason, it  is very important to develop personal resources and strategies that allow you to control emotions and thoughts, in fact self-management is a vital skill that allows you to evolve in the most appropriate way.


A question might come to your mind: Do I have to do it too, even though I don’t have anxiety problems? When is it time to relax? First, everyone can benefit from these exercises. It is also necessary to choose a time of day when you will not be interrupted and if, for example, you choose the evening, be careful not to fall asleep. The goal is to learn the technique. Let’s now look at some exercises.

2. Jacobson’s progressive relaxation

As the father of this type of relaxation would say, “eliminating residual tension is the essential feature of this method”. Since mental tension activates the muscles, to avoid overloading, you need to understand when the muscles are tense and how to relax them.

To do this, it is essential to know the muscle groups that we can relax. Although this technique requires proper training to be learned, you can take advantage of the numerous videos on the net to learn it. Here is one:

3. Silva method or relaxation with visualization

There are people who benefit from relaxation techniques that invite you to visualize soothing images. One of these is the Silva Method, which involves numerous exercises. We leave you the link of a video about it so that you can learn more about this technique.

4. Schultz autogenic training

This relaxation technique is based on suggestion, therefore it induces pleasant sensations and thoughts that allow us to relax. It is based on the idea that we all have the power to change our life if we change our mental attitude. Here is a video to try this technique:

5. Mindfulness

When we talk about Mindfulness, we mean both a relaxation technique and a state of consciousness that generates a style of processing that results in full attention to everything around us and the facts that are happening around us.

Here is a video to understand and try this method in order to achieve emotional well-being. There are numerous courses on this relaxation technique to develop full attention.

6. Walking or exercising

Walking or doing any physical activity helps channel activation of the body. In other words, it helps to reduce the worries of our mind, to keep a part of our soul for ourselves, something that we often forget and that undoubtedly causes problems on many levels.

7. Listen to relaxing music

Listening to music is another wonderful way to connect with our deepest selves. Do you know the saying “music calms wild beasts”? Music can really help slow down the pace of our mind.

If you think you don’t have enough time to try a relaxation technique every day, then it’s time to find it. The more you exercise, the more progress you will notice. Remember, it takes 21 days to create a habit that will improve your life.


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