Colleagues In The Business: Do Not Be Embittered

Colleagues in the business: do not be embittered

The careerist colleagues are those who try to advance quickly and without scruples, even at the expense of one or more people.  Discovering this reality can be complex, as these individuals often wear a mask that they support with their fake good deeds. “I did it for you”, “I didn’t realize it”, “Better this way, if you have more work, you can be more successful”.

It is a practice that consists in the use of deception, lying and / or manipulation. The aim of fellow careerists is to project a negative image of third parties and highlight their qualities, considering others as rivals and / or tools to achieve their goals.

Some co-workers tend to show off more than work. And it is precisely from these that we must distance ourselves .

We don’t choose our co-workers

We usually don’t have the ability to choose our co-workers.  In practice, it is like with the biological family: we cannot choose it as we please. It is what touches us. If our relationship with work colleagues is not positive, this will be an obstacle for the whole working day and if it also generates a bad professional environment, then we will have a really big problem.

The best thing is to be ready so that the relationship with fellow climbers does not generate more serious problems. So, we think: what problems could it cause? One of these, which encompasses many others, is work-related stress.

Toxic co-workers mocking another co-worker

Work stress

Work-related stress is a form of stress typical of industrialized societies.  The increasing pressure in the work environment can cause the physical or mental saturation of the worker. Likewise, it will generate various consequences that will affect his health and that of those closest to him.

Work-related stress occurs when the worker’s resources are overwhelmed by one or more professional factors that he cannot cope with or that he believes he cannot overcome (threats). It can manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms range from irritability to  depression and are generally accompanied by physical and / or mental exhaustion.

According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work,  work-related stress is the second  most frequent work-related health problem.  The causes are different, among the most common we find: job insecurity, long working days and feeling under pressure or threatened. This is where fellow careerists come into play.

What are the fellow careerists like?

The fellow climbers have special characteristics. The most important are:

  • The arrivalist never shares important information with others : he  extrapolates it and then keeps it to himself, unless he can gain some advantage from sharing it.
  • It exudes falsehood from every pore. He has no problem with lying, beating around the bush or manipulating.
  • He acts sneaky by  using any comments or rumors to harm or discredit anyone he considers an obstacle to his career.
  • He will never value the help or success of his colleagues, on the contrary he will minimize or denigrate them.
  • His conduct changes radically when he approaches colleagues and superiors. In the second case, he  will do anything to  take credit.

The climbers know that they cannot advance by merit, but only by sinking and trampling others. You should never underestimate a fellow climber because he is much more dangerous than the classic pimps. A key feature of fellow careerists is that they only care about the “what”. The “how” is irrelevant to them. They will do what it takes, leaving behind a trail of corpses necessary for their passage.

To get out of it as unscathed as possible, we need to be cautious and intelligent. Unless they are very dull, their conduct will be rather veiled and it will be difficult to realize this at first sight. In fact, this is one of the great dangers: their ability to disguise their intentions.

In this way, up-and-coming colleagues  can go unnoticed for long periods of time  and can even pass themselves off as the closest and closest colleagues. In this way, they will earn our trust and then use it for their purposes, regardless of what we think or feel, as if we were a computer or a stapler.

Business colleagues arguing

What to do if you have career-minded colleagues?

The fellow climbers do not act with honesty or ethics.  However, they can be highly regarded professionals by employers and the company. This gives them wings to continue their carnage.

Once you understand that one of these “predators” lurks in your work environment, you can act intelligently to minimize the risks of battle. Below, we leave you some tips that may be useful to you :

  • The up-and-coming colleagues wish at all costs to activate a psychological hold and, to do so, they can look for a fight at a given moment. The best thing is not to fall into their destruction game. Smile every time you cross them.  This will confuse them and they will feel confused.
  • It is very important not to share any information with them.  It is necessary to avoid relationships at all costs and take great care of every comment you make and, why not, also of your personal items. You never know!
  • Unity is strength. Join other colleagues to harness the strength of the group. Inform honest people in your professional environment of the presence of a wolf in sheep’s clothing in the flock. If the player feels isolated, his strength diminishes and he may even decide to change his attitude for a while or to leave.

The careerist colleagues are toxic people, with a marked tendency to give evidence or to carry out behaviors that are harmful to others and to the environment in which they work. It is necessary to avoid relating to them. By following the strategies we have indicated to you, you will be particularly advantaged in this particular battle.

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