Do You Know What Body Dysmorphic Syndrome Is?

Do you know what body dysmorphic syndrome is?

You know that we like to introduce you to little-known syndromes, pathologies and diseases, sometimes even unknown to people who suffer from them due to symptoms that go unnoticed . For this reason, it happens that the disease  is not treated and one’s quality of life deteriorates. Today we will talk about an important and more common disorder than you think:  body dysmorphism.

What is body dysmorphism?

This pathology is characterized by excessive concern for different parts of the body and their appearance. Usually, those who experience this discomfort spend a lot of their time trying to alleviate it. On the other hand, their symptoms typically intensify when they feel observed.

Many of their behaviors are  repetitive behaviors,  such as continually examining themselves in the mirror, dressing up, comparing with other people, and hiding the parts of the body they are not emotionally comfortable with and perceive as negative.

We tell you about this disease because, according to some studies  conducted both in Europe and in America, the number of people suffering from body dysmorphism is growing. Their symptoms are considered  normal ”  by society and are not recognized as pathological, thus delaying the initiation of treatment in the initial phase.

This syndrome leads  people to feel and perceive themselves very ugly, even if their appearance falls within the canons that fall within the conception of good appearance dictated by society .

The parts of the body that cause the most concern are the  skin, hair, nose, eyes, chin, lips or other parts of the body such as the knees, legs and chest.

A survey conducted in the United States on a sample of  30,000  people, published in Psychology Today , found that  93%  of women and  83%  of men surveyed were worried about their physical appearance and worked every day to improve themselves and feel adequate.

The  majority of patients suffering from this syndrome is of a young age, with a greater number of men than of women. Studies have confirmed that onset occurs during adolescence, when the individual is more concerned about their image, feels more observed, and has a greater social life. 17 years is the average age in which the first symptoms of the disorder appear.

Many of these young people pass under the surgeon’s hands, even if the dysmorphism is a mental problem, not a physical one. For this reason, some psychologists argue that surely  many of the people who undergo cosmetic surgery are not and will never be satisfied with the results.

What are the causes of body dysmorphism?

Today our society gives greater priority to aesthetics and physical appearance than to our inner self or intelligence, without taking into account the true inner beauty.

Specialists who are dedicated to the study of this disorder argue that there could be  a double origin of the disease: a psychological and a biological one. In biological terms, the explanation centers on a certain  genetic predisposition to suffer from a mental disorder and an imbalance of the brain’s neurotransmitters.

On a psychological level, exaggerated attention to oneself due to a lack of self-esteem, the way a person judges himself for his physique and excessive concern for a part of the body that he carries can contribute to the onset of the syndrome.  following rituals, such as looking in the mirror.

How is it diagnosed?

The most important symptoms  to be able to recognize this disease  are related to abnormalities of routine activities such as:

  • Avoid attending social events  with many people.
  • Self-inflicted injuries due  to this dissatisfaction with the body image  that can then justify an aesthetic operation, thinking they can then overcome this wrong perception.
  • Spending a great deal of time on the area of ​​the body  where you believe you have a problem that cannot be solved.

How is it treated?

Recognizing that it is a problem of psychological origin is the first and most important step, followed by the correction of behavior and habits, working on increasing self-esteem, accepting oneself as one is both inside and out.

It is also very important that the family and friends of these people can support the treatment by proposing ideas about beauty and perfection that are in accordance with the possibilities of the individual. To give even greater value to the inner talent of the person in question by showing him all the love you feel for her / him and for his wonderful heart.

Love in any disorder, syndrome and pathology is vital and is the healthiest, most beautiful and accessible ingredient that we can use together with the right psychological treatment for their improvement and for the safe overcoming of the problem. Giving a lot of affection to the person and showing them our unconditional support will help them enormously in this case.

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