The Advantages Of An Open Mind

The benefits of an open mind

It happens very often. Every day we come across people who have rigid and closed thought patterns, even friends who reject changes and who don’t even want to hear opinions other than their own, because anything that strays from their way of thinking means falling into error.

We are sure that you too know people from the world of thinking similar to the one just described. The most difficult thing is when it comes to family, friends, work colleagues with whom we have to confront every day, because we are aware of the great walls that divide us from these people and how difficult it is to live with this type of people.

However, you must be clear about this. Do not let yourself be influenced by these people, do not allow them to inculcate the virus of inflexibility, denial, everyday life that denies itself to change for fear of losing its balance. An open mind is a very powerful weapon that you need to know how to develop. 

Strategies for keeping an open mind

There is something to be taken into account. You may think you are the perfect example of an open mind, away from those square-brained people full of fears of change.


However, in a certain way we all have mental angles that have not yet fully relaxed at this opening. We all have some minor fears and have a small “comfort zone” from which it is often difficult to get away. Are you able, for example, to accept opinions different from yours? Do you think your principles, opinions and beliefs are always true?

To delve even further into these aspects, we invite you to consider these dimensions that will help you keep an open mind. 

1. Question your surroundings

It is not about doubting everything you see or do. It is better to say not to take everything for granted, accepting everything as it is. For example, it is possible that there are some aspects of your work that can be improved or even that you yourself have to enhance your skills, to grow professionally.

It is also possible that the people you admire so much are not always right and that the things you read every day have facets to consider. Be a little more critical in everything with everything around you. 

2. Accept the unknown and admit the unexpected

Fear is the biggest obstacle you can encounter in your life. It prevents you from discovering new options, new paths that could lead you to better personal satisfaction. Why not accept everything that occurs without warning? Why not give the unexpected a chance?

open mind

3. Take inspiration from everything around you, even your enemies

Believe it or not, we can all learn great lessons even from the people who hurt us. An open mind is capable of listening to any opinion and not turning away to flee.

You may have someone next to you accustomed to complain about others, to deceive to subdue; however, knowing even these negative patterns of behavior, you will know for sure what you do not want to be, and you will understand what you need to walk away from and what is best for yourself.

Life does not tire of failures and losses, because when we allow ourselves the luxury of recognizing mistakes in order to learn from them, we set in motion gears that lead to change and, consequently, to improvement. It is about being a little more flexible and changing our perspectives towards positivism and overcoming.

benefits open mind

Life is a continuous inspiration, to be watched with open eyes, which responds to your external aspects and comforts your inner self. Only in this way will you get a true knowledge of things. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and just live life with an open mind.

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