Friendship Is Not Eternal

Friendship is not eternal

Friendship is part of our lives, it is born, grows and ends, as we mature and change. Learning to accept the different phases that go through the relationships we have with others, will give us the opportunity to enjoy them more intensely, since we are aware of the fact that a friendship can end for various reasons.

Take care of your friends, they are a real treasure  and we never know how long they will stay by our side. As with any treasure, the pain of loss or distance will be less intense if we are able to make the most of that experience, at least as long as it lasted.

Who are the friends

We often hear the words friend or friend and a lot of phrases that refer to them. Despite this, most of these references do not give words the true value that friendship possesses, the depth of feeling it implies.

friends in a bamboo field

There is no need to explain the importance that friendship has in the life of any individual. Friendship fills us, enriches us and makes us grow together with someone with whom to share our feelings and our life experiences.

What does friendship need?

Even friendship, just like a plant or like other emotional relationships, needs time, care, interest, sincerity and contact. We call friendship that relationship full of feelings and affection towards the other person, which distinguishes it from any other in which there is a lack of these elements.

In order to be able to talk about friendship, the feelings that exist between the two friends must be one of affection, tenderness and love, which means that the relationship is filled with warm behavior and special details.

A friendship is born and lasts when we have something in common such as, for example, life values, passions, political or religious ideas, children of the same age, etc.

From the time of school …

There is no doubt that great friends can be born in school and that they can last for many years to come, although that does not prevent us from forming new friendships at different stages of our life.

Despite this, friends often get lost, only the memories of the good times spent together remain, they remain behind, as if they were a memory of a phase now passed.

How long does a friendship last?

It is obvious that there is no specific or limited time for a friendship relationship. Despite this, there is an explanation why it ends, is forgotten, is lost in the past and survives only in our memories.

A friendship is born when we agree regarding our scale of values, a common project, our ideas and ideals, and this unites us, pushes us to spend time together, immersed in long conversations, at work or in the fun. Friendships are always born in a specific phase of our life and often end when that phase reaches its end.

A phase ends when a change occurs in us, when we progress, mature, grow or simply adapt to new circumstances. Sometimes, we are not the ones who go from one phase to another, but our friends, and even in these cases the friendship ends.


Each phase has its own values ​​and needs

When we are children, friends play a very important role, even if, in reality, we don’t know who we really are or how to orient ourselves in life, and when that happens, the most likely thing is that we drift apart and find new friends to share with. a new phase of life.

This process is repeated throughout life, as many times as we change values, mature or decide to change our life. Every time we change, the environment around us changes.

There are several distinct stages in life that can bring about a change in friendships. We think, for example, of childhood and school years, adolescence and the choice of studies, the arrival of adulthood, entering the world of work, motherhood and paternity, work, having or changing a partner, to crises and retirement.

Friendship is not eternal

At all stages, friendships represent an important imprint, so deep that we don’t want them to ever end. Despite this, it is part of the law of life.

We share our life with the people with whom we have common values. Thus, we will be able to say that we are friends, because our paths have crossed, and we will continue to be so until they take different directions.

Even when this happens, friends remain with us forever, thanks to what we have learned from them and all that we have lived and shared. Friendship is part of our growth and, without it, we would not be able to progress.

Then, at times, this growth pushes the two friends to follow their own path, their own pace, their own course and their own values, putting an end to a phase of friendship that, while it lasted, was wonderful.

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