Trust, Promises And Hearts: Things Not To Break

Trust, promises and hearts: things not to break

There are three things you must never break: trust, promises, and hearts. If we think about it, few dimensions are so precious in life. Thanks to them we are able to advance in our life with more tranquility and security since we feel part of a project, of something. They are those pillars that if they were to come down would leave us more vulnerable than ever.

One aspect that social psychologists and even sociologists often talk about is that nowadays  many people relate to others through the so-called risk mitigation model. That is to say, there are people who avoid delving too deeply into their personal and emotional relationships precisely because they do not want to be hurt, disappointed, suffer frustration or some deception.

This “saving” of emotional energy, this emotional containment leads to the establishment of bonds of poor quality, recyclable relationships that come and go or that are maintained on a frivolous layer of superficiality. Consequently, it is evident that the risk of being hurt is mitigated, as harmless bonds are built that give momentary happiness. However,  is it really worth living in that cold room where something authentic is not allowed to arise?

One aspect that we cannot lose sight of is that each of us  is genetically “programmed” to trust others. It is something we need with all our strength because in a certain way our survival always depends on each individual who is part of our closest social circle.

Nobody wins if they always distrust others. You win by showing tools, energy and intentions, being emotionally courageous, trying to be open, having a positive attitude, keeping in mind that there are three aspects that must never be damaged or broken: trust, promises and hearts.

Broken heart

Trust, promises and hearts are worth much more than money

The recovery of lost trust is one of the most complex, delicate and difficult endeavors that a human being can experience. As children we are taught, in most cases, that there are certain things that we must not destroy because they have a cost, because they are very ancient and are irreplaceable or simply, because what breaks, fragments or splits in half cannot. be more used.

They rarely let us know that there are other things that, although they cannot be seen or touched, break more frequently. Furthermore, there are invisible dimensions that fragment like the bones of the body  and that, curiously, make it much harder to heal. We talk about the trust, the promises, the respect and the affection that nest in the hearts of the people we value.

Sometimes, the infantile gaze learns immediately to neglect these precious teachings because their parents implement them towards them. Feeding children with promises that are then not kept leaves its mark.  Growing up without having any real trust in one’s parents leaves a permanent wound. Similarly, when our parents break our hearts even in the most basic ways, such as lack of attention, in most cases it affects our behavioral and relational style.

Sad child because they betrayed his trust

The things not to break allow you to invest in your well-being

There are many aspects of our brain today that we still don’t understand. One of them is the variety that exists when dealing with trauma. There are those who develop a state of permanent helplessness, a sort of chronic stress where it is rarely possible to build strong and happy bonds with other people. Others, on the other hand, take a more human attitude towards life, excellent on an emotional level, which we should all learn to adopt.

There are people in the past who have seen themselves so lost, adrift, in the company of their broken pieces. Nowadays, and  also being fragmented, they know that only those who offer their trust in the most courageous way to others are worthy of the trust of others. They are those people who never forget their promises, who keep them even against winds and tides because they know very well how much betrayal hurts.

Such resilient personalities, in addition to being bright, also understand the value of a heart. But they do not forget how fragile, fearful it can be when the affections are unstable, when they are fed with lies, doubts, manipulations and betrayals.

A woman hugging another

The things that must not be broken, therefore, are the same that will allow you to have a life that has greater meaning and dignity. Because whoever gives deserves to receive, because whoever speaks the language of trust understands the meaning of promises and knows how to listen to the sound of others’ hearts without damaging them. Therefore, he deserves the same rights, the same gifts. Those who contribute to the construction of a more respectful and, above all, happy reality.

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