Road Accident And How Life Changes

Faced with thoughts such as “it will never happen to me”, “I drive well, I am not in danger”, “what do you want to happen if I look at the phone for a second”, “I have everything under control”, let’s stop for a second and think: and What if we were wrong? What is the price of overconfidence? Are we willing to pay for it? Are we aware of the damage and pain we could cause?
Road accident and how life changes

With each passing year we are increasingly at risk of becoming possible victims of a road accident. In fact, the more time passes, the more exponentially the chances of being involved in an accident increase. At the same time, the more time we spend driving, the higher the risk.

The number of years from which we have a driving license and the number of hours we spend driving are two factors that expose us to being victims of a road accident; however, they are not the only ones. Lack of experience, slow reflexes or lack of patience can be other reasons.

It is essential to be aware of the seriousness of reckless driving, for the damage we can do to ourselves and to others.

Woman talking on cell phone while driving

The car accident that changed our lives

People who have experienced a car accident on their own skin or who have witnessed it experience that day as the watershed between the before and the after, etched like live fire in their retinas.

“One day you wake up and nothing is like before. It happened, you were the victim of a car accident. Driver or passenger, there is no turning back: your life has changed. You wake up in the hospital not knowing exactly what is happening or what will happen, unable to understand why it happened to you and why in this way, forced to live from now on with its consequences. “

An accident can turn into a traumatic situation

Being the victim of a serious road accident can seriously affect our health and well-being, both physical and psychological. And we are not just talking about the victim personally involved, but also about his closest family members, who will have to take charge of the situation.

A phase of mourning begins for which we say goodbye to life as we knew it up to that moment, to adapt to a new reality with possible limits.

Change and grief take time and can consist of several stages, including denial and sadness. It is possible that in some moments you feel that your dreams have irremediably broken, of never being able to resume some of your habits. They will easily assault millions of sensations and emotions, all related to the traumatic situation.

It is normal for the person to go through a series of stages to overcome the bereavement and the traumatic situation before finding a point of balance in his life. Let us not forget, however, that this process is individual and that everyone has their own personal way of living it.

Very sad woman

Behind the wheel, zero distractions

According to the first Istat estimates, in the first half of 2019 alone, 82,048 cases of road accidents with injuries to people were recorded, including hospitalizations, deaths, pedestrians crossing the road, passengers in other people’s cars, minor injuries …

One of the main causes of accidents on our roads has been found to be the use of mobile phones.

We are led to think “it won’t happen to me”, “I drive well, nothing will happen to me”, “what do you want it to be to look at the phone for a moment”, “I have everything under control and nothing happens if I look down for a moment and I look at the phone ”… Well, we could be right and arrive at our destination safe and sound. But what if that moment turns into a terrible mistake? And if that second becomes the fateful moment in which the accident occurs that will change our life or the lives of the people who circulated next to us at that precise moment?

Let us remember that we must have responsible driving and that this is the only way to reduce the risk of being direct or indirect victims of a road accident.

The road is a place for everyone and therefore a collective commitment is required to respect the rules intended for those who use it. This is the only way to prevent accidents and avoid getting involved in those caused by others.

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