Happiness Is A Personal Decision

Happiness is a personal decision

How many times have you thought that the day had started badly because the sky was gray or it was raining? Certainly it will have happened to you sometime. We could say the same about a particularly hot day or one in which the alarm clock has not rang … It seems that we are willing to feel unhappy even for the most stupid and superficial matters.

Being happy, on the other hand, is a personal decision. The question is simple: we can find happiness even if we don’t have everything we want in life. You may think that this is a conformist attitude, and to some it may seem silly. But if you think about it: do we not benefit more from a positive attitude than a negative one?

We are able to be happy if we make the decision to be happy, if we can understand that even though many things can go wrong, there will always be something good, something that motivates us and makes us happy in some way. And “somehow” is definitely better than nothing, right? These are difficult times, the accounts that do not add up can ruin our day, and even love is not something we can keep under control.

Indeed, love itself is perhaps what risks making us more unhappy: perhaps because we feel misunderstood or rejected by the person we love, or because we realize that time passes and that we have not yet found our “half of the apple “. But there is no such thing:  loneliness is also something we can simply decide to leave aside. We can feel alone in a crowd or work to feel complete simply by being alone. We are as happy as we want.

It may seem incredible to you the influence our mind has on our feelings : when we decide to change what is wrong in our relationships, when we convince ourselves that love is not a complicated thing, that we should not try to change anyone but simply love , because in this way we will find our happiness … Only in this way will we be truly happy. When we are able to smile even if things go wrong, because we understand that in reality things could change at any moment, we have already taken a big step towards happiness.

If love comes, why do we keep looking for flaws in our relationship or our partner? If we think about how vulnerable we ourselves are, we will realize that no one is perfect, and that we can be happy even living with imperfections. And if love doesn’t come, why are we stubborn about feeling bitter? L ‘ love will come like everything: unexpectedly. Maybe you should look around more, sometimes we pass over people without realizing it … And what we want may be closer than we think.

If the sky is gray this morning, you might think that everything is going wrong: but winter can be the most beautiful of the seasons. Sometimes it awakens nostalgia, there is always some memory of the past that a day without sun brings back to the surface. But since we know it will happen, we must understand that it is good to smile and accept that that day will go like this.

Many of the things that will give us happiness are simply there, waiting for us to decide to live them. They are in our mind more than in our heart, we must change the way we see life. Live it as it comes, because there will always be something that will make it better, however much we try not to see it.

Isn’t the mere fact of having one more day to live a reason enough to be happy? Why don’t you start being happy today?

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