Gandhi’s Advice For Winning A Discussion

Gandhi's advice for winning an argument

Mahatma Gandhi’s life is full of stories and anecdotes about confronting others that contain a great deal of wisdom. In fact, this man became famous and went down in history for being the first to speak of a non-violent “war”.

It is said, for example, that once he sat down at the table next to a professor from the University of London. The professor said to him: “Do you know that a pig and a bird cannot eat together?”. Gandhi stood up and said: “Don’t worry professor, I fly away”.

Gandhi almost always managed to get away with arguments. He did it with such grace and intelligence that he always left his mark. More than winning the debate, he wanted to teach a lesson by extrapolating it from the situation in question. So, how about following Gandhi’s advice to triumph in an argument?

Don’t be selfish and argue constructively

According to Gandhi, a problem must be viewed from all points of view, including that of the adversary. Following this principle, after destroying the monopoly of the English textile industry, he showed up in every factory to apologize for the layoffs he had caused.

He was also distinguished by the fact that he always delved into each topic. He didn’t just have a superficial view of the world. He read, studied, consulted. All this allowed him to formulate a solid opinion on any issue. Without a doubt, this is a great tip for addressing any debate.

Train physical strength and patience

Gandhi thought that the strength of the body contributed decisively to empower the mind as well. He enjoyed good physical shape, which allowed him to face and overcome difficult times with amazing healing ability. Body training brings temperament, consolidation of willpower and self-control.

Patience, on the other hand, is the training of the mind. Gandhi said that a wall is built brick by brick. And each piece must be added at a precise moment. Patience is a characteristic of the strongest minds. Not giving in to impulsiveness is essential if you want to be successful, especially in an argument.

Being empathetic with others, understanding their emotions

Gandhi preached ideas of universal significance. Its principles were not the fruit of a one-sided vision, quite the opposite. His ideas and his struggle concerned the whole of humanity. His doctrine first of all involved his people, but was inspired by universal values.

Leader Gandhi reserved a special place for emotions. His doctrine was not purely ideological. He tried to understand the position of his opponents and took into account what they might feel, feel. For this reason, hundreds of thousands of people have followed and admired him while not sharing his cause. Winning a confrontation does not necessarily mean canceling the opponent.

Use simple language and be transparent

Simplicity of speech is an element that characterizes all great leaders. They do not speak for admiration, but to be understood. And the best way to make yourself understood is to use simple language that anyone can understand.

It would be called populism if there were hidden interests behind it. However, if simple words do not hide hidden truths, they reach people’s hearts. A true and genuine speech has great persuasive power. It also arouses great respect. A verbal discussion is won in this way: with profound arguments, expressed in a simple way and without lies.

Become self-reliant and persevere

Gandhi undertook to procure the salt himself, to make clothes and make other everyday objects. He made self-reliance a way to build freedom. He knew that the bonds of addiction were based not so much on the big facts, but on the little things. And he attacked the evil at the root.

Leader Gandhi took 55 years for India to achieve independence, his greatest dream. He did it his way: without resorting to violence. He faced thousands of difficulties before he succeeded. Difficulties of any kind, even conflicts with oneself. Deep down, he knew that perseverance is the key to any door and to success.

All of Gandhi’s teachings have left us great human values. Gandhi’s success was a triumph of the spirit and for this he left his mark. His greatest lesson is that you can win a confrontation without nullifying the opponent. In this way, there is no defeat, it is a sure way in which everyone wins, even if it is not what they would like.

Main image courtesy of Whooli Chen

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