Can You Accept Others For Who They Are?

Can you accept others for who they are?

Are you able to accept others for who they are? Or do you happen to feel anger, resentment, jealousy or other feelings towards someone who doesn’t behave as you would like?

These negative games reflect manipulative dynamics that contribute to stress and conflict and that, in the long run, hurt the feelings of others.

Accept the differences

Truly each of us is unique, in the way of living and seeing things, in attitudes, feelings and experiences. There are no people alike and there never will be any. You too are unique, no one in the world is like you, are you aware of it?

It is precisely the differences and characteristics of each one that make life an interesting challenge. Dealing with people who think differently from us is something that enriches us. The bad thing is that often these differences, if not managed correctly, can lead to unsolvable conflicts, stressful situations and disappointments.  


It is essential to accept the singularity of individuals, but we know that it is easier said than done. In couple relationships, for example, we get an idea of ​​what our other half should be like, how they should behave according to our standards, hoping that they will. Obviously, this does not happen, so whenever we have exaggerated expectations, problems will arise.

We cannot blame others for not being as we would like. The sense of a couple relationship or a beautiful friendship is to be well together, enrich each other and not change the other.

Not everything goes as we would like

There is one thing to be clear about: Is the other person’s dislike behavior incorrect? Or would you simply act differently? If you do not perceive this difference, you will end up despising the attitude and behavior of your partner or your friends.

You should not expect others to act, think and work the same way you do, because this will only cause you problems. When you are with other people and watch them work, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy their company, without making parallel judgments.

What to do when we feel unacceptable behavior?

In this case it is not about accepting others for who they are, we are talking about behavior that you consider unacceptable. The important thing is to talk about it with the person in question. The ways and the approach are fundamental when you want to ask someone to change because you often risk ruining everything and obtaining the opposite effect to what you were looking for.

Nobody changes just because you want to. It doesn’t work that way. And if you hope that this happens, you will just build up anger until the moment you can’t stand it anymore and you will “explode”.


much more productive and effective to discuss with the other what is bothering you, to explain to him what your problem is and how it makes you feel. That way, the other person won’t feel offended or attacked and their behavior is likely to change. Furthermore, it is obvious that you too must show that you are willing to listen to what others have to say or if they suggest that you change your attitude, in the name of a better and more pleasant coexistence.

Who do you want to change? If the list is very long, perhaps it is time to pause for a moment and reflect. It probably means that you have to work hard on yourself before you encounter true happiness.

Photograph courtesy of Jeremy Blanchard.

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