Eye Contact: How To Decipher It

Eye contact: how to decipher it

Eye contact is a powerful way of communication. Through the gazes, conscious and unconscious messages are sent that exert a great influence on any type of encounter. They are part of that indirect communication typical of mutual perception. The looks are a world to decipher.

Eye contact and its interpretation are strongly associated with the amygdala,  a part of the brain related to emotions. Eye contact contains an indirect and sometimes decisive language in understanding the message.

We are not aware of the way we look and, at times, we do not even take into account the message we are transmitting and its effects. The purpose of this article is precisely to offer some explanations about the wonderful world of eye contact.

The duration of eye contact: a key factor

The duration of eye contact is one of the key elements in communicating through gaze. For example, a person who totally avoids the gaze of others is quite emotionally troubled.

The total absence of eye contact indicates a lack of control over what you feel. In those who interface with us, however, it causes a feeling of embarrassment and distrust.

At the opposite pole we find those who keep their gaze fixed and never take it away. This type of eye contact makes clear a desire to  control and perhaps dominate the interlocutor. After a few minutes, this look can be downright intimidating. It suggests that there is a desire to exploit the other.

Business colleagues talking

Reading the eyes

All looks convey a feeling, even when they are very little expressive. In the latter case, the aridity of what we are experiencing or a certain apathy about it is reflected.

However, it is not easy to observe a glance. The other person may realize this and feel embarrassed. So when we do that, we discover the traits of the other person’s emotional world in it.

Woman look

Body language studies have succeeded in identifying various encrypted codes in eye contact. These are some of the more common interpretations:

  • If the blinking is excessive and noticeable, you are probably feeling insecure and nervous. People tend to attribute little credibility to leaders who blink too often.
  • Looking to the left means that you are remembering something, while to the right means that thoughts or ideas are being generated. If the gaze is constantly diverted in this direction, it is possible that the person is lying. For left-handed people it’s the other way around.
  • When someone widens their eyes, it means they don’t believe what their interlocutor is saying.
  • If there is an interest in sustaining good communication, it is common to raise the eyebrows during the conversation.

Seduction and instinct

Glances also play a very important role during seduction. They are often the beginning of what then turns into a loving bond. Even if the contact is made by telephone, the eyes of the people involved reflect a certain love interest. For example, it is common for them to shine more, the pupil to be more dilated, and to reflect more sweetness.

Couple looking at each other smiling

According to body language experts, interest in another person is measured like this:

  • If a person looks you in the eye, looks down, and then looks at you again, they are probably interested in you.
  • If the person looks at you, then breaks the contact and looks to the side, they are probably not sure if they feel attracted to you or not.
  • If he makes eye contact but then looks up, he probably doesn’t feel any attraction to you.
  • When he blinks more than 10 times a minute it is because there is attraction.

Animals are also sensitive to human gaze. If they are angry, they interpret the gaze as a challenge. Looking away is one way to reduce the chance of them attacking you.

As we see, eye contact encompasses a world of infinite possibilities. A way of communicating that says a lot about us and that is worth knowing how to interpret.

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