People With A Touch Of Healthy Madness Infect Magic And Courage

People with a touch of healthy madness infect magic and courage

People with a touch of healthy madness give life to smiles in moments of sadness, they  are our daily energy, the color of our soul in gray days and the reflection of that courage that always knows how to find the positive side of things. Few personalities can enrich as much as those who make constant enthusiasm the real engine of their lives.

When asked if these people are born with this responsible positivism, we reply that it is the circumstances that give them this way of dealing with things, even if there is no scientific evidence regarding this issue. Each of us has very concrete traits of their personality, but the surrounding environment and lived experiences can determine them.

Lewis Carroll always said that madness is that state where happiness stops being unattainable.  Perhaps the author of “Alice in Wonderland” was referring to that madness in which there is a marked absence of “reason” but, in our case, we want to tell you more about an attitude full of energy, openness and spontaneity, in which balance and reason coexist.

We explain it to you.

face of woman and butterfly

Healthy madness: source of happiness and motivation

We are sure that on some occasions you will have shared intense moments of laughter with someone before committing a somewhat risky act; moments that will have seemed as stimulating as they are fun. After committing them, you will have said to that person:  you are crazy.  

These are moments in which our brain gratifies us with a good dose of serotonin and dopamine,  those neurotransmitters associated with motivation and joy in which, moreover, in many cases, oxytocin is added. We are talking about the hormone that has to do with affection, the one that allows us to further tighten the bond with that person capable of “making us shudder”, of giving us intense and cheerful emotions when we feel the need most.

Cheerfulness, just like this kind of healthy madness, is contagious.  According to a study conducted in 2008 by “F

ramingham Heart Study ”, this feeling of well-being and happiness can extend up to 3 times within our circle of acquaintances. This means that the happiness we have received can have a positive impact on 2 other people ( just imagine coming home and explaining to our parents or our partner what happened and what we did).  

woman jumps into the water

Sometimes, true madness, the healthiest and most authentic one, has its roots in that wisdom that decides to relativize things and allow oneself to enjoy others,  and this, without a doubt, has benefits for anyone.

The 3 components of the “wise” madness

Sometimes, to move forward in this world so cruel and in which days of chiaroscuro abound, it is worth embracing that madness so beautiful and therapeutic that allows us to regain our strength. If you don’t make it, you are sure you can count on that unique friendship, which he covers with his exceptional personality and which fills with healthy madness.

 Sometimes, what starts out as madness ends up being the best thing in one’s life.

Well, sometimes we wonder how it happens. Perhaps these people are made of exceptional material, capable of transmitting courage and a bit of magic capable of relativizing everything,  which unties every knot, which makes every problem easier. To understand what psychological dimensions characterize these people, we invite you to consider the following points.

girl hides behind her back bouquet of flowers
  • The pleasure of freedom: people with that pinch of healthy madness make freedom an essential and bearing value for their lives. Freedom in expressing oneself, in acting, in not seeing obstacles when one has aspirations or needs…. All of these aspects are truly inspiring for all of us.
  • The sense of humor as a daily vitamin: the laughter that infect us and, above all, the ability they demonstrate to relativize things to the point of making them simple and fun: it is a faculty that should be included in any survival manual. There is nothing more therapeutic than sharing time with people with a great sense of humor.   
  • The ability to empathize: madness will never be fun if you don’t share it and if, with it, you don’t go beyond your comfort zone. These personalities  are authentic emotional artisans who immediately perceive our suffering  and who, without saying anything, submerge us in such new and stimulating things that it does not take long to remove our clouds.
woman hangs stars in the countryside

If you also have people with these characteristics next to you, let yourself be inspired, enveloped, allow them to make you vibrate and paint many stars in your dark days. They are unique beings, which are worth taking care of and valuing, because they are the ones who will leave unforgettable moments imprinted in your mind.   

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