Sometimes I Miss Some People, But I Don’t Want Them In My Life Anymore

Sometimes I miss some people, but I don't want them in my life anymore

“Maybe sometimes you miss and remember some people, but you don’t want them in your life anymore.” This feeling is usually shared by those who have traveled a part of their vital journey with people with whom they have created relationships that do not work.

After all, a relationship that doesn’t work is negative and destructive to our evolution and development.  It may be difficult for us to identify how it has influenced our lives and, even if we were aware of it, perhaps we are not very clear about what our exchanges were not working with.

Do you know this feeling? Suddenly you remember that person, maybe you feel the need to contact them, to know how they are, to recover those moments and those feelings generated by your relationship. But then you decide not to, because you know it can’t do anything positive for your current life. Nothing guarantees you that everything will be the same (it will never happen) or that time has served to change those aspects in which you “failed”.

For this reason, in today’s article we want to deal with this topic and ask you if it is normal to miss and remember some people, even if we no longer want them in our life… Let’s analyze this topic in more detail.

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The value of memories and the signals they offer us

Sometimes we have to find a way to alleviate the pain that the absence of someone we have loved, but who is no longer part of our life, produces in us, perhaps because we have removed them for our well-being or, more simply, because the roads parted.

So yes, missing someone, but not wanting them in your present life is completely normal and healthy. Because? Among the many reasons, why this helps us to determine and to be aware of what makes us feel really good.

We may remember an old love, a friendship from long ago or someone with whom we entered into a relationship that maybe could have gone, but that didn’t end well. Why disturb our feelings and our nostalgia? Not doing it is the first step: remembering and missing is perfectly understandable .

woman blows on dandelion

The sensations and emotions, healthy banks

Perhaps that relationship brought us something that was rewarding and, therefore, it is normal to remember and miss everything that was okay. Nonetheless, if we pause for a moment to think about whether the positive things were more than the negative ones, the answer is probably no. We must be able to recognize this aspect.  

However, we must also specify that clearly  each person and each relationship has its own time and space. This aspect is not negative, as we have already said, but natural.

It is good to be aware that some people with whom we had a connection in a certain period of our life are no longer part of it or are no longer suitable for us, because in the present they would do nothing but create problems and losses that are best avoided.

The hypothetical situations we could talk about are infinite and colorful, just like people and moments. We therefore invite you to reflect on the feeling that the memory of a distant or harmful relationship causes us.

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Toxic relationships that are not: a conception that safeguards our feelings

We are used to calling “toxic people” all those who have made us suffer. When we remember these people, we torment ourselves, because we miss something negative (toxic or poisonous to us). However, as we have already said, there are many nuances that do not always correspond to this reality.

Every person and every relationship brings us something, even if they are lessons learned “with the bad guys”.  To this we must add the awareness that every teaching brings, even if the relationship in question was a failure at a certain moment of our life.

Let’s not forget that the people who bring us something are not only those who always remain by our side and that everything has its moment and its time, even when these end and continue to live only in our memories.

woman with covered face

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