Our Meeting Was Inevitable

Our meeting was inevitable

“The meeting between two people is like the contact between two chemicals: if there is a reaction, both are transformed”. (Jung)

Throughout our life, we know many people. Some teach us useful things for the rest of our existence, others teach us nothing or at least that’s what we believe.

We also know people who know how to bring out our essence without effort or effort, even if we find ourselves in a particularly sad moment. Their behavior may not have the same miraculous effect on others, but it does on us.

Others go through our lives without friendship or deep knowledge, but their work and their words shape the way we see the world.

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I once read that you have to try to be the person we would like to know. It is not simple: I often even have doubts about who I am and what the truth is; however, the more you formulate doubts and challenge me, the better I feel about myself.

I cannot deny that my existence is not conditioned by a great spirituality, a great humanitarian effort or a passion for a particular area of ​​life.

I am fascinated by the people who have passed through my life and made me fall in love with things that previously seemed inert.

Because happiness is not real if it is not shared, but if it is shared with someone who does not give us anything, then loneliness is synonymous with rest and calm.

Therefore, I define my story based on the magical encounters that some people have given me. Those people who make your heart tighten, wet your eyes with nostalgia, meet yourself again.

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Sometimes, I feel sorry for the paths I was walking with someone else and which have split for reasons beyond our control.

I have drawn conclusions about each of these little angels who have passed away or are still in my life. I hope the transformation has been positive for both of us and that that exquisite intimacy we shared has served as a refuge in bad times.

Because there are times when it’s nice to look back to know what lessons people have given us and what we expect from us and them from now on.

There are things that have transformed my soul and that now reign clear in my mind:

  • A sense of humor must be very far from acceptable, it must be as irreverent as our friendship or love.
  • Silence is a divine quality, which is appreciated and shared only if the communication is so true that you don’t need to talk too much . Sometimes, when people talk non-stop, they end up drifting apart.
  • My intimacy is what I give you, there is no need to talk about the things that even I don’t understand about myself, nor about those that no one else has understood. I like the intimacy we have created together, I don’t want to snoop into the intimacy that each of us has on their own.
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  • I don’t care about your past, as long as you’re not pretending in the present. I thank my turbulent past, because it made me touch the earth looking at the sky.
  • I like to keep my habits and quirks, and for my partner to do the same . It’s wonderful to share what both of us are passionate about.
  • It is not enough to know that I am important, I want a demonstration.
  • I don’t care about morals. Values ​​interest me only if they alleviate suffering and subtract pain. I don’t care about the money, I care about the class, which is on the verge of extinction.
  • I like that my partner doesn’t deny the crazy reaction he got when he met me. Our story may last a long or short, but what is in the heart has no expiration date.
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Don’t be sorry if someone leaves your life. However it happened, you have already transformed yourself forever.

“I need the little details, because they are our reflection. I miss them terribly. This is why no one is replaceable, because we are all made up of small and precious details. “

(Before the sunset)

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