8 Books You Can’t Miss

8 books you can't miss

When you discover a book that touches your heart, it is as if you have discovered the most precious of treasures. Sometimes it is discovered by chance, browsing the home library, other times a friend recommends it to us … Today, we offer you our hands full of books!

Everyone has their own tastes, of course, but there are books that leave hardly anyone indifferent. Here is a list that will not disappoint you!

1. In Search of Meaning in Life , by Viktor Frankl. Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl suffered the horror of the Nazi concentration camps on his skin. He was able to brace himself by thinking that his loved ones, prisoners in other camps, were waiting for him, waiting for the war to end. Unfortunately this was not the case, because everyone was dead: but Frankl managed to gain strength and rediscover the meaning of his life, which lay in telling his story and elaborating a theory that could help other people in difficult situations. It is a book that we should all read, a real life lesson.

2. Siddhartha , by Hermann Hesse. Hermann Hesse became a true point of reference among the young people of his generation and the following ones. This book narrates Siddhartha’s journey in search of wisdom; even if it is not the real life of Buddha, it is certainly inspired by it. A book on the pride and individuality of the human being in the face of the world and history; a book to rediscover ourselves and to get closer to the spirituality that we all have within us.

3. The Alchemist , by Paulo Coelho. A book sold in more than 150 countries. A protagonist who leaves home in search of a treasure, a journey full of adventures and misadventures full of meanings. Eventually, he discovers that the treasure had always remained in his home … A sobering novel.

4. The world of Sofia , by Jostein Gaarder. Philosophy and psychology are certainly united in some way. To all lovers of philosophy, Gaarder offers a journey through its history through a little girl, Sofia, to whom a philosopher tries to teach what life is. A true best seller that has become a must-read in many schools and that helps us grow as people.

5. Emotional intelligence , by Daniel Golemann. Ever since Golemann published this book in 1995, there has never stopped talking about emotional intelligence. To understand ourselves and understand others better, to learn with and through our emotions, this book is essential. It will certainly make you reflect and wonder if you have sufficient emotional intelligence, or how you can reach it to be happier and start seeing what is happening to you from another point of view.

6. Never give up. How to find the energy to face life positively , by Luis Rojas Marcos. Luis Rojas Marcos is one of the best Spanish psychiatrists, and also one of the best authors at communicating in a simple way everything related to our emotions and thoughts. Perhaps it is precisely his humility, his simplicity and his calm that make him an orator always worthy of our listening. This is why we recommend that you read this book, in which it shows us how optimism is of great help in many moments of life.

7. No More Panic and Anxiety Attacks, by Linda Manassee Buell. A woman who tells us about her experience with anxiety and panic. Written under the supervision of psychologist Brenda Wierderhold, this little book is a real treasure. It will help anyone who suffers from anxiety attacks, or who have loved ones who suffer from them.

8. 50 stories to meditate on and to give as gifts , by Ramiro Calle. Ramiro Calle is a writer and yoga teacher, who has written several books on the practice of meditation and its health benefits. This is one of his writings, perfect for those who want to deepen the theme of meditation and immerse themselves in oriental wisdom.

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