5 Tips For Loving Yourself

5 tips for loving yourself

The secret to being able to love others is to love ourselves first, even if we often forget it. If we do not love each other, we will not be able to establish healthy relationships as a couple because it is completely impossible to offer others what we lack.

But what does it mean to love yourself? It means paying attention to your life needs, accepting yourself for who you are, respecting yourself, being honest and giving your best. It’s not easy?

Yes, it actually seems simple, but we don’t always reach this goal, so today we want to give you 5 fundamental tips that can teach you to love yourself. It is a time-consuming lesson, but the results will be satisfying for you and your relationships with others.

Tips for loving yourself

1. Take the risk of being yourself

There are many people who seem to have a double face: the one they show when they are at home, in the family, and the one they show outside, to friends, neighbors, strangers. They seem to lack the courage to be themselves and try to be what others want.

Loving ourselves necessarily implies putting aside appearances and all external influences that can compromise our way of being. No matter where we are, showing ourselves for who we are will make us feel so much better.


Striving to please others is too great a sacrifice that can only bring us anxiety and stress. So, dear readers, be positive about your way of being and never underestimate yourself. You think you just have to be yourself and it’s very simple !

2. Live unique experiences

If we observe life passing by, submerged in the usual routine, it is impossible to experience an emotion or the adrenaline of unique experiences. Little by little we turn into apathetic and gray people without aspirations, without the will to achieve something outside of daily habits.

Loving ourselves also implies taking on the responsibility of taking the reins of our life in hand to avoid seeing it flow before our eyes as if it made no sense. Do we really want to waste the precious time we have?

Let’s pretend that you are afraid of leaving the job that no longer motivates you and does not give you anything, this is because the money is low and you do not want to lose the security of a job. Take the risk! Go crazy! You will be able to get everything you want if you really start making decisions that allow you to get out of a situation you don’t like.

3. Develop your potential

Many people marry well with activities related to sport or music, for example. However, if they don’t find time to practice these hobbies, they probably won’t have fun and won’t be able to develop their potential.


We all have something that suits us and, even if it is not, there will always be something different that we like to do, to try, to move us from that routine of obligations and work in which we are submerged.

Imagine that you like to attend some painting lessons because it relaxes you and you want to perfect your technique. For some reason you don’t try and end up postponing. Don’t do it! There is a famous saying that says: ” do not postpone what you can do today until tomorrow “. Perhaps, in the future, you will regret not doing this, so just get busy now.

4. Complain less

To love yourself, it is essential to put aside victimhood. Sometimes we are trapped in a spiral of complaints that don’t stop piling up because, instead of taking action, we simply complain.

Complaints are useless, on the contrary, they prevent you from fully enjoying the present moment. Always find the positive side in everything; this really helps, other than complaining! We can learn, we can gather ideas and get closer to our goal.

Think about when you happened to be victims in certain situations and you complained. Have you solved something? Did things improve afterwards? Certainly not. Instead of complaining, therefore, adopt an attitude of understanding and optimism.

5. Open your mind and free yourself

Very often we find ourselves living in a bubble that we can’t get out of. This bubble protects us, but at the same time limits us when it comes to experiencing new adventures. Sometimes all of this prevents us from connecting with other people and discovering hobbies that we might be passionate about.


Closed minded people are like a dead end street. Even if they move forward or backward, there comes a time when they cannot go any further. They are not aware that this path is just a creation of their mind. They imprison themselves, prevent themselves from being free and from trying new things.

Living in a bubble often has to do with our fears. The very fear of facing them makes us close in on ourselves. To love ourselves, it is essential to learn to face our fears and overcome them.

Do you love yourself? Have you loved someone without loving yourself first? It is risky to start a relationship if you first do not respect yourself, if you do not value yourself and are not honest with yourself and with others. To have healthy and lasting relationships with others, you must first focus on yourself and create a healthy relationship with yourself. Only in this way can you begin to love other people in a sincere and real way.

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