3 Forms Of Child Maltreatment

3 forms of child maltreatment

Child abuse sometimes seems almost unnoticeable. In fact, this practice has traditionally even been accepted as a natural part of educating children. By some it was even considered necessary, as they were unable to resort to other means that were not based on the use of violence.

However, nothing could be further from reality. Fortunately, we now rely on studies that allow us to affirm that certain sentences not only conceal a lie, but also a tragedy. Let’s talk about phrases such as “It has always been done like this and it does nothing to us”, “A slap every now and then has never hurt anyone”, “He must learn by hook or by crook”.

The problem of child maltreatment

The famous writer Agatha Christie was right when she said that ” one of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood “. There is no doubt that positive education is showing far more encouraging results in terms of the growth and optimal development of children.

Unfortunately, however, specialists say that in recent years there has been a considerable increase in child maltreatment again.

How is it possible that this practice is so ingrained right nowadays? When parents and educators are more aware than ever of the repercussions of certain forms of education applied and supported by society in the past.

Furthermore, it has been shown that forms of child maltreatment are not only physical. Although they have always been practiced, psychological abuses are much less recognized by the common conscience than physical ones, certainly less present than in the past.

Forms of child maltreatment

We understand child maltreatment as an action that the person responsible for a minor exercises on the latter and which, by omission or commission, puts their emotional, cognitive or physical integrity at risk. Under this definition, we can highlight 3 clear forms of child maltreatment. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, continue to occur today in many modern societies. 

Physical abuse

The most common since the dawn of time. It is defined by specialists as a voluntary behavior that causes physical harm to the child or even the development of physical diseases.  

Within this category of child maltreatment, with which one intentionally tries to injure the child, there are different forms depending on the goal that is pursued. You can express rejection towards the minor, impose discipline or a sadistic and aggressive character, it can be a consequence of lack of self-control …

Emotional abuse

The second form of child maltreatment is known as emotional maltreatment. In this case, the limits are less objective and it is more difficult for there to be such a majority consensus. Despite this, specialists consider it  the set of behaviors that induce an interaction with the child based on verbal hostility through insults, threats and contempt. 

This type of maltreatment  blocks any interaction initiative on the part of the child. As a result, there is emotional abandonment and passive attitudes, by action or omission, on the part of the parent towards the child’s demands.

Childhood neglect

Finally, we find the third form of child maltreatment, known as child neglect. In this case, we are faced with a total or partial abandonment of attention and / or care towards the child. It is achieved by maintaining physical distance, not always visible, and attitudes of omission or even voluntariness.

Specialists distinguish between  physical, social and emotional neglect  and can also be differentiated from physical neglect. A negligent acts consciously or unconsciously, out of ignorance, ignorance or lack of positive values. The person who abandons, on the other hand, knows, or perhaps not, that this action will cause psychological harm to the child.

We can therefore note that child maltreatment takes many forms, which are not always easy to detect (in time). This is due to the numerous causes underlying this attitude, which are not always evident. Lack of personal skill, ignorance, false expectations, excessive tendencies, underestimation …

The different forms of child maltreatment can and should be fought. Like? Through education, training, empathy, positive values… It is a phenomenon that we could overcome by giving all our small contribution. Our little ones deserve it, right?

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