3 Buddhist Truths That Will Make You Feel Better

3 Buddhist truths that will make you feel better

On several occasions we may think that life is unfair to us and the attempts we make to change this situation seem not to give positive results.

Today we want to share with you a moment of reflection, invite you to breathe, to look within and discover 3 Buddhist truths that will make you feel better. If you assimilate these concepts within yourself, you may be able to change the distress situation you are in or whatever else you desire.

Dukkha – discontent, disappointment, suffering

The Buddhist dogma “life is suffering” is interpreted by many as a doctrine with negative or pessimistic characteristics.

But if you take into account the context, this phrase has another meaning, which is that “life is not always sweet and pleasant, but who cares”.

Buddhists confirm and know that the origin of many difficult and suffering situations that many of us face depends on the fact that we do not try to delve into the spiritual dimension of things or face the emotional part of our life face to face.


In the Western world, we continually experience feelings of loss, sadness, fatigue, boredom and anxiety.

To overcome these moods, they teach us to take drugs and follow unhealthy habits instead of finding the solution deep inside the problem itself.

We prefer to disguise the pain when in reality we only increase it and bring dissatisfaction to the highest levels.

How to use this philosophy in everyday life?

Avoid thinking you need anything else to live a full and satisfying life. Illness, suffering and death are part of life. We must learn to accept them and remain in the present, in the here and now.

We don’t have to want to achieve the perfect life. The difficulties are overcome and let’s not forget that they always leave us a great life lesson.

When we accept the imperfection of life, the disappointments will lessen. In this way, we will be able to free our intuition and abandon everyday stress or bad experiences.

Anitya: life is in constant motion

Antiya or impermanence means that life is in constant motion. According to Buddhism, therefore, it is not possible to go back to a day that has already passed. We can’t even reach the future, it’s just an illusion.

Every morning, when we wake up, we can verify that we have changed a little from the previous day. Biologically we grow and change day after day, the same goes for our thoughts and our conscience.

If we are aware of the fact that nothing in the world is forever, then we may discover that even evil sooner or later ends.

But what happens when we are happy ? We would never want this feeling to end. We are afraid of the very thought …

We invite you to think of it this way: if happiness ends soon, then it is worth living it to the fullest.

If you are able to understand the transience of life and its positive side, then you will be able to free yourself.

Deep sight

Enjoy and celebrate the changes. Don’t be afraid that what you are used to will one day disappear.

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